Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thank goodness for

** thank goodness for **
I am thirsty and cannot drink
I am weary yet unable to rest
I am bone tired but sleep evades me
All I am framed by
Is all those things cannot
No sleep no drink no rest at all
A struggle to draw clean breath
I have life feels like death
All the needs to be fulfilled
And even blood will not flow
My heart in passion refuse to beat
Those hormones delicious unused
Thank goodness for self abuse
I may go blind and lose my sight
Hair grow on palms and wet sticky nights
And yet the carnal cry sated
Thank goodness for whoever first masturbated
Were we conscious and fully formed
Or still in trees and cast as apes
When first we took to alleviate
Th joyous spark dammed inside
Having invented that almost surprising
We did not stop and exhaust ourselves
Place evolution on hold
As of ourselves we made bold
A spurting coursing fermenting flow
The entire being focused on pleasure to ego
A life constantly aiming to be sated
Until Winter or natural disaster unanticipated
Wipes from world those gurning fools
Who are only fulfilled playing with their tools
Those who are left puritans dour
And now guilt has the power
Natural joys and natural highs
Ungodly acts to be set aside
And so we no longer seek
To masturbate everyday of every week.

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