Monday, August 8, 2011

In tragic depths of moonless night
The Skulhoth horde called forth to rise
Princelings of the Harrken legacy
Spawn of Great Chthulu
The Mythos proud and dark
Serving darker forces
From the very darkest deep
Called by men of knowledge
Who in reason control their fear
Lacking in the wisdom to learn
The insanity they call upon
To less than human souls they will become
Driven to complete madness
When many mouthed and tentacled
Skulhoth steathed in darkest ichor
Fanged and horned and talon clawed
On physical form not only attack
The Skulhoth also slip inside
Fragile minds of those who hear
Maddening howl of the Skulhoth call
Every hope and erg of goodness
All traces of normality remove
The Skulhoth shake the human psyche
And with a roar all sense remove
There is no cure nor no hope
For those who the Skulhoth assault
There is only greater darkness and madness
On moonless night of greatest tragic darkness
When Skulhoth called forth to appear.

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