Friday, April 1, 2011

When drink answers

* when drink answers *
Dunk me strip me drown me
Set all cats howls against me
Sobriety has failed
This wasted husk leftover
From alcohol drenchings further
Lash me to this bar stool
Entire floor grown unstable
Keep me upright as I drink my fill
No wish to see beneath table tonight
A drunkard's voice I have
Louder than a mule and four octaves further off-key
Every song is shouted
Through blaze of alcoholic breath
To get too close to me
Is to duel with death
Set them up bar keep
Set them up again
When I am sitting I am steady
I have no power to offend
So my words are loose and garbled
With a wink ease their discomfort
As long as my glass is refilled constantly
Hate to die of thirst
In your fine drinking establishment
Shall spend my money freely
Flows faster than beer through pipes
All the night I will be drinking
Nursing this one until the next and the following again
So keep them coming bar keep
Serve another round
Until my eyes glaze
And all my efforts cannot prevent me
Slumping in drunken heap onto the ground.

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