Friday, June 24, 2011

Someone wrote

***+- Someone wrote -+***
Someone wrote and someone read
Probably French philosopher long dead
Those early thinkers had it easy
Just repeat the thoughts of Greece
Socrates and Aristotle and other Athenians
Who advantaged our ways of thinking
Plundered across the gap of ages
To provide wisdom for fresh pages
Which we could consume and think
In coffee shops where trendy revolutionaries drink
In remembrance of those tomb robbing frogs
We name our children after shoes
The Sally Ann or Jane or George
No god names at the blacksmith forge
No fire and brimstone in what we write
The bill of rights a prejudicial slight
Against the cult of women rising up
Who made the dinner on which you sup
Valkyries or harpies depending on the view
Who stick to fanaticism like best glue
Poster soldiers for the revolution yet to come
The Greeks did not calculate them in their sum
Of how our world is and philosophies capture
So little surprise in French women little rapture
With their words on how to live and die
Enough to make a plagiaristic philosopher cry
Which brings us back to the words written
By a philosopher who by a rabid dog bitten
Words of madness with sanest outcome
On how to live and to depression not succumb
But seems those words now escape me
So of pillaged Greek or French thief we are free.

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