Thursday, June 9, 2011

From then to now

* from then to now *
Marching feet, marching feet
Through the South's precious heat
The death and destruction
Pillaging burning eruption
Of Sherman's army burning all
Despoiling and reducing all
Glory of the South to ashes
Atlanta erased to stumps
Always will rise again
Burnt this time by future friend
Soon all will be united
Fresh foes of Union find
Outside the borders of North and South
In blood spilled by properly unified
Defy the old order of Europe
Build and to homelands travel
Not as captor of history but victor
Across battlefields from where ancestors came
Mark them all with blood and fame
Turn back Continental blight of Fascism
Match and overwhelm Asiatic imperialism
A new world order by bloodshed gain
Still nothing of value earned without pain
In victory benevolence display
Preach your marketplace habits
Sway hearts with democracy
Export your culture and fast food processes
Populise the sweet and swift
Teach world how to idolise
The lion heart of the young
Your naivety optimism and sense of fun
As world rulers be the grasshoppers
Enjoying this Spring for all its worth
Blessed by forefathers and fortune
While rest of world ant role takes
Slave away for colder less shiny days
For so long you can hold them back
Defy the inequalities of life
Until another learns your deeds
Practises them better than you do
As they grow as once you did
Blessed with energy which seems so young
For a nation older than every other one
We take your throne and your un-worn crown.

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