Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to out cl-ass the bride

* how to out cl-ass the bride *
The Middletons have gained
The notoriety of society
Placed a daughter on the throne
Fed the other to the paparazzi
Oh Kate may one day be Queen
But it is Pippa who was seen
To outshine the bride on her wedding day
It was not something Pippa did say
Her clothes lines were simple and modest
She did not project a vastly revealing bodice
Instead all civic civility was undermined
By far much attention paid to her behind
What was a girl meant to do
If to a royal wedding she went
Her bum had to come to
So it is Pippa's facebook fans multiply
And for her clothing there is a great outcry
Yet one wonders how she will reflect
In later years ravaged by Time's neglect
As to how for all her intellect and class
The world's focus was devoted to her ass.

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