Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Idea intangible to understandable

* Idea intangible to understandable *
It does begin quite simply
A line of words tenuously engaged
To the inkling of an idea
From there the gloves are on
The brain must earn its keep
Perspiring to keep up
Fingers cross keys must dance
As attempt to reconcile
Each line with each thought
Build an order and structure
Promote the idea to full life
Frankensteinian monster creation
Chased by lightning of thought
And clumsy Igors of fingers
Stumbling as words are caught
Seeking to keep all taut
Preserve tension of a pond's surface
As elegantly throwing boulders in
For each line demands
A rhythm of forethought
To continue initial idea
Yet drive the reader forward
To a conclusion unforeseen
When first words laid down
As if to paint an unseen rose
In a pitch black room
I cannot see shade of its petals
Or even existence of its bloom
How an idea intangible
Must become by words understandable
Is it any wonder often found
Poetry becomes surreal and unsound
Tears at itself as a maddened beast
To release the beating heart within.

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