Thursday, August 19, 2010

Electioneering Time

Electioneering Time

 * electioneering time  *
The politicians have broken out
For it is electioneering time again
They dominate our media
Playing tit for tat
Arguing every coin toss
Refuting every fact
Creating the greatest fiction
Of what they'll do and when
Tyring to win every vote
And no swinging voter offend

From Canberra way they come
Close to the Snowy River
Where Clancy lead the hacks
To regain the colt from Old Regret
Now seems the Truth eludes them
These politicians of fear
Have no teamwork or spirit
Gone as fast as foam on flat beer
If hard work or questions put
None of them as sure footed
As a mountain pony on a mountain side
When asked to explain their numbers
They bluster obfusicate and hide
Looking for an exit
Or they blame the other side

The politicians are loose
With the truth and with the fact
Pick the information they can use
Disregard any evidence which may detract
Play a game hard of pessimism
Would be great to sit back
Admire their skill of nothingism
The ability to talk for hours
Without substance or passion
All their promises worth less
Than a steak to a vegetarian
All this be so amusing
Except these blighters will end up deciding
How our moneys spent
They will live in our Parliament
And leave us to pay their rent.

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