Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bastard tongue

Bastard tongue

 * bastard tongue *
Oh twisted viper in the grass
Unruly surly language
Beneath my heel you twist
Never content to freeze still
Tautologies easy purvey
Words fall in and out of favour
Constantly seek new meanings
For words which were once thus
And where no word exist
Or where five might stand
Show no shame in unveiling fresh
Words stolen from other lands
Mispronounce them or spell anew
This language has no glue
A bastard's bastard of a bastard's tongue
Leftovers mixed with ancient stew
Know no boundaries or limits set
Grammar there just for fun
Break every rule and run run run
This is fly or sick or deadly
Portals not to homes but information
Web where no spiders dwell
In deceit or communication
The structure of a word might sound
The same as it is spelled
Or in opposition to all sense common
For in original language different rules applied
Or the place where emphasise is strong
Restresses the word to new sounds
I's and e's in constant orbit around c's
A language to have grown up with
Which shall always make you feel juvenile
As moves the goalposts and re-marks the pitch
Changes number of players and throws out rules of game
English scarlet harlot of fickle game
Twisted braided knotted spun
Letters jumbled can be words become
Vowels or constants not always required
This language so haphazardly wired
Always a potential fatal shock
For those who employ it daily.

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