Wednesday, June 16, 2010



 *+*+* patterns *+*+*
Drive to find patterns
Human brain astute
Gathering flecks of information
Trying to be over cute
An overcoat in summer
A car turns to follow you
Sunglasses worn inside
A strange bulge in a pocket
They are spying on you
Following your every move
How she stands and flicks her hair
Colour of her eyes
The sentences she loses track of
Length of skirt she wears
Seductress seducing you
Showing interest in just you
The brain makes patterns clear
Even if brain might be wrong
Some great benefits may appear
Break the ice with conversation
Outline who you are
See if she can find a hook
To hang an attraction from
Then perhaps might confirm
As fingers slip over bra
Yes we got it right
Wonder how far can take it
Just one night or a week
A month perhaps a year
How far out should brain project
To protect you from your fear
Reading patterns into actions
Who is sitting where
Her toothbrush in your bathroom
Bathplug blocked with hair
How she makes you coffee
Watching television she likes
Seeing her consider your friends
Sharing a wardrobe crowded
Her hair dryer has appeared
After a while her lease runs out
Now seems you are sharing
A small bank account
Just for food bills and the rent
Each evening she is there
You meet at door and kiss
Such domesticity did appear
Brain makes patterns form
Longer walks on the beach
Comfort at home
Talking of parents with knowledge
Friends no longer epicentre
Of the life you lead
Dividing recent life
Into now she's here and then
Examining the finances
Looking much further ahead
How would it be to always wake
With this closest friend in your bed
The brain does patterns conjure
Projects what you have seen
Married couples in ruts suffocating
Warring parents inflammatory
The rates of divorce
How long a mortgage lasts
Staring at children in the street
Could you deal with them
Do you want a life of toil
Hammered down to one place
Choosing schools for disinterested kids
Trying to earn enough
To pay for holidays and the rates
Car now almost a relic
Wonder where the money went
All those patterns seething
Just below the surface
Do you examine them closely
Or close your eyes and blindly trust
Or is that just enough pattern
Forming in your life
Discrete parts joining together
In life's patterns infinite
Is it happy ever after
So many patterns to de-encrypt.

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