Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Best fiction

Best fiction

 * best fiction *
What truths in fiction held
A mirror unrecognised to the face
We look and learn close to nothing
Of those fallible persons in that other universe
Not seeing who they are is us
Nor in their foibles our own
Their lack of understanding of their actions
So forlorn and pitiful in extreme
From which we make comedy
Is only if a moment so aligns
To contain a feeling we can recall
Feel memory's core shaken
Is there any acknowledgement
The best fiction is reality
Told by someone cleverer than ourselves
Who can pick apart every trait of characters
Have the narrator present with empathy
The trials universal we face
Even if no Ring to Mordor need be taken
We must decide if we will carry our own values
Even unto the gates of pain or death
And only through fellowship of friends
Gifts of love and understanding
Such magic often beyond our reach
Can we survive and be our best.

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