Wednesday, June 16, 2010

After the falls

After the falls

+ after the falls +
I saw the bodies
Both of them fall
Beneath a wall of water
None could survive such a drop
And if they did
The freezing cold waters
Freshly thawed from alpine snow
Would stop the heart
When plunge into the maelstorm
And if he survived that
Then the maelstorm would finish him
Tossed and turned beneath the water
Perhaps body to never surface
And if it did be lifeless pale blue
As the last drops from a writer's nib
Yet he is back
Whippet body flush with rude health
His violin playing as discordant as ever it was
Intellect sharp and thoughts rapid
Yet I know it cannot be him
What was it he used to say
When all other reasons are removed
The impossible is the truth
So now I know
With all deductions concluded
Sherlock Holmes is an alien.

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