Thursday, June 24, 2010

Black Blood

Black Blood

 * black blood *
Try and find the darkness
Black blood in men's souls
The thoughts horrorific
The terrible things unsaid
Words of hate and fear and anger
Twisted sense of madness rising
Rants on streets and sense of hatred made
Jagged bottle or fist or club laid
Molotov cocktails bedrooms burning bright
Assaults on the vulnerable at night
The gangs attacking because they bloody can
The mad insane and crazy are all the same
Soldiers of skulls and spears
The strangers with looks so queer
All those dangers deep in night
Existing in the human heart
Jealousy envy and spite
Flare of petrol bomb or fists raised to fight
Savage kicks upon someone down
The horrors outside the home
And the horrors hidden within
The dangerous family friend sincere
Abusive father or mother dearest
Twisted parenting of alcohol or drugs
Living life through a paranoid fog
Taking out every imagined slight
Against those to young to fight back
These monsters domestic of homes suburban
Destorying lives and spirit uncertain
All these shadows dark
Lie across the human heart
A stain coarse and indelible
Reminding us kindness and reason can be fallible
When the human dark appears
And our nightmares become our fears.

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