Friday, September 24, 2010

Modern working mantra

* Modern working mantra *

This drop as if a lift
Plunged from beneath my feet
My stomach yet to catch up
Seems this life has me beat
The hours spent not rejoicing
Bend my thoughts to enforcing
Mantra of modern working drone
Tomorrow will be better

This day is an aberration
Discard these memories from your head
Else they be as bags of lead
Heavy and slowing you on your way
Forget these moments of humiliation
When you exit workplace busy
Workplace misery do not assign to memory
Instead be thankful for day completed
And the salary which will be presented
Tomorrow will be better

The next day even better than that
Just forget this day resolved
As you had to forget all those before
One day your day will surely come
Until then keep your spirits high
To depression do not succumb
Know tomorrow must be better
Tomorrow will be better
The amnesic mantra of the modern working drone.

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