Wednesday, September 22, 2010


** Bliss **
Trying to lay to rest
Emotions in my thoughts
Electricity across my skin
Champagne bubbles in my veins
Set in artifact of words
Ephemeral feelings fleeting and raw
Develop a new language beautiful
To capture moments bliss
Relate how it is and was
Frisson of your smile
Pilot light of first kiss
Sparkling invitation in your eyes
A sense of timelessness and haste
Of knowing moments perfectly
Removing all infinites of doubt
All this simple trying to capture
Mould into lines and form
Nail down and in bluestone hold
The particles subatomic
Of lovers loving bliss
So instead a kernel form
A point round which may orbit
Feelings deep without form
As solid as gravity's pull
Clear and sweet as stars silver
A song without copyright
Rhythm in my blood alone
Pulsing living breathing feeling
Whispered smile on your lips
Burning trace after your kiss
Joyous tiredness after exhilarating bliss
Trying to lay down and retain
Hold insitu so can conjure forth anew
All there was in those moments rich
Depth of feeling through to universe's core
Richness beauty melody upon lips
We together only knew
The moments transcending life
Our eternal rush of bliss.

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