Wednesday, March 30, 2011


* un-belief-ness *
Lack of clarity of my belief
Brought into sharper focus by
The wood cut certainty of your own
Is so difficult to fight or accept
Certainities you mandate as obvious
When I hang in nothingness
Unsupported and undirected
Beliefs based on most recent surge of thought
Unable to place borders on my own thoughts
For to do so would be to limit
Potential for greater growth beyond a point
At which you say it is self evident
I and any other should stop
You request I have a point at which love end
A fence to keep those others back
Divide the world by gender and s*xu*l practices
Where rationality ceases take all else on faith
This is what your certainty brings it seems
A strong line of pickets in the vastness
A castle to protect from enemies
But if all who don't think as you
Are condemned and closed out
Then how can you ever grow
Beyond the point you find yourself
And it is then I think my lack
My spinning compass needle of fact and faith
May not allow me peaceful rest
Neither does it yield and surrender
Accept one truth as supreme
When there are so many others presented
All of which you state should be resented
For they are false and yours is truth
Through they proclaim the same
And none of you can bring truth
Say I must make my decision based on faith
Which seems little less than valid
For all of you have the faith I lack
And once more I am returned
To the unsupported belief I manage
As best I can without structure or plan
Wondering if more belief is better
Or less provides greater opportunity
To find the something true I feel I lack.

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