Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Tsunami +

The sea has risen up and caught us
Flattened levelled butchered and tortured us
Brought forth a world of nightmare
Turned our towns into matchsticks
Imperiously brushed aside our transport
Toppled trains and twisted tracks
Washed roads away and cars in piles dumped
Lifted ships from sea and in town centres beached

The sea has risen up and caught us
For simple things be thankful taught us
For running water and electricity
For neighbours friends and family
For these the sea has taken
In its wrath our hearts broken
The work of years in moments destroyed
Love precious taken and removed.

The sea has risen up and caught us
For our hubris a cost wrought upon us
Ignorance or emotion has no grace
All who stood before waves did erase
Too old or too young sea did not care
Only you were before path of water there
The morning shows an alien place
Devoid of life or dwellings or a known face.

The sea has risen up and caught us
The sea has risen up and taught us
There is more strength than we can hold
In Nature when it is bold
The earth can quake and sea boil
Then where is safety for we who toil
Not at water's edge or in building high
For Nature shall in anger fly
Bring forth the depths upon the land
Smack down the skyscrapers with a mighty hand

The sea has risen up and caught us
The sea has risen up and taught us
The tears we shed are more sea stirring
The tears for those we love past caring.

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