Wednesday, March 6, 2013

if heart should ever tell

if heart should ever tell

in eyes you don't see
the scars on the heart
the underlying trauma
a lifetime worth of drama
condensed to six months
so much wisdom gained
through torture insane
the death of an innocent
birth of another
two brothers arrived
only one breathing still
the other lies still and purple
a plastic numbness to the flesh
no escape from death
and celebrations to be held
all placed on hold 
for in birth there was death
in death there was birth
twin images of each other
death of a twin brother
in grief father and mother
pray and cry and sleepless nights
hoping for best
living the worse and greatest
moments of life lived so far
beside a crib one struggles
while in a coffin other snuggled deep
into the earth a graveside farewell
for one who never talked
one who never cried
this side of the birth channel
and parents must continue on
world continues to spin
birds to greet dawn with song
one is gone and other must be held
and in hearts a space for both set aside
one dark and cold the other bright
one with hope for future
the other the past tragedy
never the heart to be rewrit
for one is dead and the other lived

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