Friday, July 22, 2011

Be a llama farmer

**- be a lllama farmer -**
As a city dweller
Centre of city worker
I view everything through
The lens of the place I am
Public transport is life's journey
Hesitant and sometimes slow
Occasionally fate intervenes
And life does not go
I see the hustle and bustle
Constant barrage of communication
Posters billboards traffic noises
All these sounds and sights
Threatening to drown out
My brain's capacity for reason
So I filter out so much
Become blind to those around me
Don't recall the fragments
Of the life whirling around me
For to hold all in thoughts
Capture life so busy would overwhelm me
So missing so much
Pare concentration down
I wonder how I would be
If my world of life was different
My living environment tranquil
Perhaps a llama farmer
On a Peruvian llama ranch
The noises wind and llama bleating
Perhaps sound of my tractor
Yet only this single engine sound
To the silence tranquil shatter
And if I am working alongside someone
Is just us two or three or four
Not hundreds rushing frantically
To move some financial zeroes
Align a policy or paper
Arrange another meeting at which to talk
Instead we build a fence
Cut llama toe nails
Or shear off llama wool
We do things llama farmers do
Depending on the season
Not a constant life lived sterile
In concrete and glass prison
Where temperature never varies
And lights are always on
Where outside is a city busy
Does not care for your life or song
And if you stumble and fall
Another will quickly take your place
Your absence not even a ripple
In the functioning of that place
While if you were a llama farmer
Those you worked with would have the time
To regret and reflect on your passing
Having known you completely
Not filtered out any shred of you
Seen you completely for what you were
Allowed every atom of information
To be processed in their thoughts
Rather than an inner city worker
Surrounded by the tsunami of sensations
Which prevents a pause to stop
No place of silence found
Always constantly moving on
Perhaps I should become a llama farmer
So I can properly compare the two.

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