Saturday, August 21, 2010

Memories bleach

Memories bleach

 * memories bleach * 
I cannot compose you in my head
Imagination's nib cannot recreate
Your face or laugh or smile
Seems you exist not at all
Overthrown by another brightness
A fresh love tormenting
Which obscures all others with its light
You once occupied this place
Where this other does now grace
Then I knew you without thought
No need to recall at all
Ever present in my thoughts
A lighthouse bright illuminating life
Who you were and might be
In my memories if I could but see
To imagine how you looked
How you talked and laughed and shook
How you were when once we were certain
There was no other to take your place
There was no other who could grace
My heart with love and light as you
Yet time has past and so have memories
Bleached by presence fresh and rich
Of who you were I once knew.

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