Wednesday, June 30, 2010

between lines

between lines

 * between lines *
We between the lines are
Neither black nor white
Moral dilemmas shaded
Between what is best and right
The principles of many for one
Or one for many
A question wavering in the heat
Taking form and escaping
My keen young eyes could once place those lines
Define with a judgemental certainty
Exactly where those libes would lie
No gaps between could be seen
Only black and white
Two sides of a micron thick coin
On whose edge even angels could not dance
Now seems there is a rainbow of diversity
Between what is right and wrong
What is best and right
The lines I fear have not moved
It is my maturity ongoing
The development of myself
I can no longer be such a fanatic
About what is right for others
What is best for us all
Indeed for what is best and right for me
I find I lean and make exceptions
Have developed a heart which truly cares
Understand all life's problems are not self made
Nor their solutions always cleancut
We all possess hearts of different grades
And mine maybe as errant as any other
And if I aim to free myself from constant blame
Then I must allow others the same latitude
Find a peace between the lines
I once thought so closely drawn
Live my life trying to encompass
A diversity of views and rights
Choose what is better nit always best
Choose what once I might think was wrong
For in fact it is right.

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