Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wolves in Vestments

Wolves in Vestments

Escape confusion of mundane
Easier to fight the profane
Everyone accepts your view
Carried forth on the strength of many
Need not have clear answers just blunder in
Declare this illegal and that sin
Does not remove poverty or ignorance
In fact the more the better
As you follow archaic law or good book to the letter
Devoid of empathy and offering no hope
A fight against unseen menace because with reality unable to cope
Circumstances or life experiences do not matter
As lives precious and fragile shatter
Speak of love when love you avoid
Where your love for others should be a void
Declaring your goodness to words and lines
For this makes you good in trying times
A person in whom others place trust
For the words and lines say they must
A predator with a winning smile
Pious obedience and humility your style
For those who can see beyond the role adopted
To the black heart and soul corrupted
Beyond the mundane cares and chores you dwell

An angelic demeanour concealing an inner hell.