Saturday, November 27, 2010

thinking dome

** thinking dome **

Welcome to the thinking dome
Place your thoughts on full
Open up to every concept
Give wildest ideas a whirl
There is no gender here
We care not for class or status
Nationality creed or race
The only things with merit
Upon which you may be judged
Are the thoughts you create
Depth of think in thought
Within the thinking dome it is so
About your thinking and your thought
A utopia we declare
Not about what you wear
The size of rocks in jewellery
Not about your height or beam
What you have done
Or where you have been
Each thought in isolation and whole judged
The thinking dome exists
Beyond all limits of prejudice
Rational intellectual clarity demand
A clear ozone bright light
Interrogating thought ruthlessly
Removing all human emotion
Weighed against every other view
The thinking dome would thus ever be
A place of ruthless abstraction
Of paralysis beyond measure
Where all equally are tortured
And human thoughts enthanized for pleasure.

Friday, November 26, 2010

the never was

* the never was *

It was never to be
On different continents we existed
In different worlds we moved
Our thoughts together only on electronic page
Sharing our sensuality
Our powerless rage
Against an unequal world
Commenting on mundane life
Detailing crisises large and slight
The space between we could never close
Would take a multi-continental flight
So we kept sharing though we sat
On extremities of time zones
Edge of emotional war zones
No Man's land of email
Where responses we colour
With own desires and wantings
Make our imperfections diminish
Moved by politeness to agreement
For conversation was so lush
Crucifying ourselves in belief
Chosen one across distance resided
Till actual life brought us back
Showed riches here not there
A lag developed
Then responses missed
The what we had never was
And so disconnecting will never be.

works harvest

** works harvest **

Small islands of words
Clumps of lines paragraphical
Pages of letters reminding of
Long fields of grape vines
Fruit ripening in abundance
Farmers harvest joy
To see efforts translated
Into tangible result
So the author at the desk
Tilling fields of thought
Bring order to creativity
Grow a story strong
Mend and patch and invigorate
Places where crop of words is scarce
To conclude the growing season
Harvest a novel rich and full.

marching feet

*~marching feet~*

These marching feet are loud
Drown out a man's commonsense
Make him commit acts brave
Make him act depraved
Believe all risk and loss acceptable
That there is a justice in war
Righteousness in munitions
To blow your enemy to God knows where
Shed blood and spread despair
Belief your country's leaders are right
Though previously they had not appeared too bright
This is war they all declare
An excuse to make all actions right
And the marching feet keep marching
Every single hour of every day of every single week.

better story not to forget

+ better story not to forget +
This love blooms undaunted
Incapable of hiding
Tsunami in which I'm caught
Ready to face any foe
Challenge any adversary
Endure any hardship
Cross any wasteland or sea
Desert my family clan or country
Disown all I was before
To only you be true

Lighthouse for my soul
Companion to my life
Holder of my love
Soon to be my wife
Let no law or wall between us stand
All I shall overcome
No limit on my love
No limit to my endurance
Let them have their Romeo and Juliet
Feuding Montague and Capulet
We shall each other have
Without the poison or the blade
Our love be the story
None who meet us will forget.

trogs rising

* Trogs rising *
Fusion of brightness
Through lids closed tightly
Forced intimacy of heat of summer
Blazing light so bright
Supernova on the mind
Escape from blindness deep
Trogolytes of earth
Now time to rise
Escape the chill subterranean
In the warmth and light above
Open lives to love.

springtime viewing

* springtime viewing*
Easily influenced
Distracted by sybarite thoughts
Leather thigh high boots
Or dress panels revealing
Warm spells mean resurrection
Of thoughts carnal
You dress for you not me
Still I appreciate the display
Confidence shown in your choices
A connoisseur of beauty
Admiring the Springtime view.

commuter thoughts

> commuter thoughts <
Hidden faces hidden lives
Of everyday workday commuter
Bent into covers of a book
Or shield of newspaper raised
Making oblivious thoughts libidious
Such insidious lacidious
In carnal kernels held
As travel journeys meld
With other commuters travelling
From work start to night fall.

how dreams die

*how dreams die*
Lost continents slip
Dreams subside
The worlds of tomorrow demand
Ever forward moving
Ever triumphant calling
Days of wine give way
To days of black water
Worlds of tomorrow fade
Stripped by needs of present day
Dreams set aside die of neglect
All those worlds foreseen
Become taunting hemlock tasting dream.

the maiden ceases

* the maiden ceases *
The maiden dances
Clad in white and barefoot
The maiden turns and whirls
A blur of seagull white
Her smile red enchants
Alive with delight
A smile for kissing
Worthy of loving and killing
Those watching thumb programs
Try and find her name
I feel their eyes upon her
Lusting and profane
The maiden dances
Does not know their game
How they cheapen her with whispers
Obscure her truth with fame
When she leaves the stage
Have to deal with all their issues
The dance will be left behind
Who she is decline
As skin the maiden like an onion
Gut the maiden like a fish
Till hung drawn and quartered
The dancing maiden ceases to exist.


Your heat a furnace
Dragging oxygen from air
Breath to lungs scalds
Suffocation through passion
Delirious and love fevered
Dehydrating to dust
Death of self likely
Our egos and selves merging
Irretrievably bonding
To part would need to shatter
Vulcanic forces ensure
Our heat transforms common carbon of us
Into brilliant diamond shining.


*** tryst ***
Recall those trysting moments
So many hours long
Mere fragments reside
A smile imprinted on my memory
A single appraising look
Which for eternity held me
A deep sensation of joy
To bedrock of my being
I cannot recall clearly what we did
No instructions or directions retained
As to how to raise your deepest smiles
Bring forth golden sheen of sweat
No effort or thought then was required
And so if we tryst again
(twist and touch and turn and kiss)
An occurrence as inevitable
As the seasons change
The same spontaneous delight
Sensual smile wielding joy
Shall be ours to discover
As if our lips had never met
Spontaneous in loving without regret.

gaps of now

**gaps of now**
You wonder what falls
Beneath gaps of now
Into another world illusionary
Where dinosauric monsters roar
The decisions made revert
To the choices unchosen
From there grows and flows
Windscreen smashed spiderweb
Of other lifelines in Time
And there beneath you find
Fresh gaps of now
Into another world illusionary
Where dinosauric monsters roar.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


* frozen *
The winter wind is cold
Your gaze more so
Stops my quavering heart
Freezes spirits solid
Leaves me lost in blizzard
Of want to happens
And flurries of never bes
Icicle spike through heart
Deflating emptiness consumes
Every breath and every thought
Frozen paralytic statis attained.


* falter *
Each end burns
Towards the central core
Health and wealth
In equal measure displaced
Thin ice of security cracking
Self confidence ebbing
The fates identify
To toy a while with one
Give hope then raise rocks
On which to dash those fragile hopes
Smiles lengthen grow haggard
Coughing settles in lungs
Both health and wealth
So tightly entwined
Begin a catastrophic terminal decline.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I within

*~ I within ~*
You decline and decay
Lose sense of urgency
The mundane daily everyday
Captures you more in everyway
Catch a glint in stranger's eye
In a trysting spark find the I
Who you thought was gone
Still resides in your bones
Had never left your heart or soul
In a moment find self made whole.


thoughts creep,
feel of pulse,
under melting skin of throat,
lips sensual kisses quote,
heat rising stirs passion,
fire truck sirens sound.


Torn cards
Shredded photos
Deleted memories from disk
Fridge cleared of your yogurt
Medicine cabinet items in bathroom bin
A bag of clothes for charity
Creating other spaces empty of you
To match the one in the bed
In my heart and in my head.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The bells ring
Headaches ache
End is closer
Disposition moody
Almost look forward to
Hearing clumps of earth
Striking the coffin lid.

storm watch

*storm watch*
Driving rain all around
Not a cloud in the sky
Gale force winds hold me back
No breeze disturbs tree leaves
All just metaphors
For thoughts in turmoil
Life has turned adverse
All plans stalled or in reverse
Must throw self on kindness of strangers
Even if they know it not
Rely on humanity's better Nature
To do what is right
Holding dreams and breath in tight
Try and ride out this storm in life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Car crash thoughts
Sometimes too easily rise
Crush mood of optimism
Slash rising kite of hope
Leave you desolate
Unhinged and emptied
Hearth without fire or heat
Another almost could have been
Spun off to galaxy of
Never will ever be.

what sailors know

* what sailors know *
Between the edges
Of now and forever pledges
Division of heart
And awkward needy physicality
There tundra unwarmed by love
The sensual oasises beckoning
Affirmation of self
In rocking rhythmic arms
Of adulteress Sea
Ready to abduct your heart
Tear your world asunder
Leave you as driftwood cast
Upon a deserted beach.

lull between

*** lull between ***
The lull between thoughts
Between kisses rich
Fingers tangled in your hair
As move to brush aside
Reveal tender softness of skin
Warmth of your being
Tremble beat of your pulse
My lips seek spot revealed
Address and hover and graze
Exploring sensual sensitivity
Rejoicing in this smallest carers
Acknowledged tactile acceptance
You release a low murmur
As arch against me
Ready for greater explorations
Deeper kisses and caresses
Sensual intimacies in which to rejoice.

two thoughts

*two thoughts*
This is evil
Sapping of a soul
Denial of worth
Hard to understand
How a mere salaried role could mean so much
Be irretrievably linked
To feelings of self
And yet this rut
Has been my other home
With people I know and understand
Better than I care to admit
Got beneath my nails
Became part of my epidermis
Hours of my life expended
Which I cannot reclaim
As with all seconds lived
Once consumed must be accepted
The life lived Time spent
Was that which it was
Time holds no dress rehearsals
Suck eagerly at teat of Time
Once gone there is no more for you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

x kiss sweetly

* x kiss sweetly *
Kiss sweetly
Lips meet neatly
Press together
As sealing a letter
Heat build at meeting
Spreads through body
As lips viscous meld
Opening the senses
As lips seal communication
Private network of two
A call answered
When lips meet
Kiss sweetly.

dark hills

* dark hills *
The dark hills
Life in shadows
Over borne by all
Existing on such small a ration
Hope as roughage
Assist the passing of
Oily fecal matter
Which comprises life.

Friday, November 12, 2010

for paupertuity

* for paupertuity *
The walls are closing in
Debtors at the door
Ain't enough days to work
To pay them all
The tide been against forever more
It don't get any easier with extra mouths to feed
Only time I see for rest is when I'm dead
Until that time is get out of bed
Get myself to work I dread
A pittance of a wage
Spent before I start
To pay the mortgage to
Keep a roof over our heads
We haven't eaten decent
Since I can't remember when
The clothes we are wearing
Have just got to last
No money to replace what is past
The money woes keep going
Round and a round
I wake each morning
In a dreadful state
The walls are closing in
Debtors at the door.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

escape plan

* escape plan *
Find my swords under the bridge
Keys for car are on the fridge
We are getting out today
Nothing better stand in the way
Had enough of the hypocrites
Puffed up cane toad shits
On their soapboxes inciting division
Believing bullshit they have been given
Think they are king of truth
Pity their facts aren't argument proof
Yet still the innocent are hurting
Mad dog words fermenting
Hate bigotry and anger
Emotions which dangerously linger
After their lying ceases
Embers of hate have longer leases
So get the swords and fuel the car
To get to promised land got to travel far.


* tired *
All the past sketches
Of mistakes from long ago
In thoughts are parading
Keep scurrying back and fro
All of sleep's angels
Cannot lay these demons down
Morning will find me snarling
Better nature gone to ground
All the simple things complicated
All the complex beyond my knowing
A day of numbing work lays ahead
And the troubles of yesteryear
Clogging up my head
Dilemmas of today stalk me
And sleep a desperate dream
As sand through fingers escapes
The day grows longer than my hope.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a bitter howling

* a bitter howling *
The howls are louder than a jet engine
Someone for perceived injustice must pay
Our expectations must be honoured
Beliefs of how society is supported
Even if this contradicts the reality of what occurred
Burn the witch or stone her
Vilify her in the media
Lead with emotion not fact
Call the usual mad dogs
Let them howl of conspiracy
So much easier to play the game
Rather than report the other side.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


* withdrawal *
These long moments
Unpuncuated by script
Writing addict cold turkey
No words laid down
No lines ingested
Emptiness without prose
A non existence of time passed
Without a record it did not happen
These words now relieve the itch
Cannot make whole what was
The story continues
To the reader seamlessly
Only the writer frets
For Muse's temporal magic lost.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


** geisha **
Silhouette of smile
On a wall so plain
Geisha mystique beckons
Silk and tea and song
Cultured loving way
Seduction not assault
Senses left to guess
Kimono concealing
True shape and true form
Raises desire unwrap mystery
Whoever in our world
Could have power to resist.

*other forms *

*other forms *
Flexi legged plasticine people
Set out on the benches
World's sighing light pierces
Armour of our senses
Drifting unbound as any autumn leaf
Held together by skewers of joy
Thrust through this body of grief
Modern insular affliction
Raked by an educated conscience
Devoured by lack of sleep
Pin-stripped zombie staggers
Hungry for a hit of brains.


** edge **
Sleep smothers me
Tentacles tangling grasp
Deep bed sea bed
Drawn down to drown
Loss of all ability
To swim in wakefulness
Half world of dulled edges
Conversations indistinct
Eroded dreams linger
On edge of realities perception
An intangible insanity
Cure a decent restful sleep
Till then insomniacs living nightmare
World constant on edge of dream.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

dream state

* dream state *
Sounds of someone elses dreams
Fill every niche of my head
Media outlets all promoting
Political philosophies for which I must be voting
Ends up those we elect
Have different philosophies in their head
Serving the greater public good
Not a priority on their agenda
Everywhere that I turn
Other dreams against me chafes
Demanding I bend to another's will
Not have my own perceptions
Not consider other selections
And if your dreams don't take
I make action from revolutionary will
Clear the slate and impose
My dream magnificent on all.

Monday, November 1, 2010

always in the jaws

* always in the jaws *
Lost in the clouds
Thoughts of winning
Ambitions oft considered
Never quite delivered
Chances spilled
Opportunities missed
Clumsy out fielder of fortune
Fate destined never to fickle my fancy
I am one hand clapping
Always a penny short and a minute late
All the sweat and hope expended
Culminating in nothing
Providence unified to defeat me
On every commercial venture
Stock raising or public float
I am the Jonah punter
Tickets shredded in shadows of finishing post
Another certainty proving
Unreliability of sport of Kings
Another lesson for this chancer
Neither luck nor knowledge is my thing
It were as if I had
An albatross in past slain.


* rebel *
You want to be different
A rebel with a cause
Who stands out as different
Forget the piercings hoops and rings
Creating a basketball court
Is no manifestation of rebellion
Self mutilation to join a sub grouping
A sign of wanting to belong
To rebel you must lead
See failures across all generations
Make your rebellion a crusade
Towards something better
And if you truly succeed
Evidence found in giving generations
As yet unborn
Something against which to rebel.