Thursday, September 30, 2010

dawn sketches

* dawn sketches *
Morning breaks over your back
Sweet shadows haunt these plains
Lines and curves accentuated
Straying brush of dawn's orange glow
In all of Nature's majesty
Never more beautiful have I seen
Of artistic splendour
Than this still life presented
In gallery of my bed.


* locklove *
These clumsy thoughts moving
Loud sounds unsettling
Darkness conceals safety of day
Lean into your warmth
Intimacy of fear draws closer
Our kindred nervous souls
Knit tighter than joy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Null Escape

*+ Null escape +*
All the wired failures
Drunkard madness rage
In clasp of alcoholic dispossession
Escape the bindings of the age
Be blind and incomprehensible
Plead Ignorance of the things I do
Be bloodied violent and indiscrete
Another night's forgetfulness
Escape route for the soul
Stumble down the tarred streets
Searing heat of alcohol perspiration
Tunnel vision panorama
Each step more unsteady than the last
Hope to wake safe in my bed
No more damaged than I am now
Angry drumbeat in my head
Bitter bile in my stomach
Aching joints as if beaten
A warrior of Bacchus
Laid low by pleasured escape.

offered heart

* * offered heart * *
I offer you my heart
You add it to the pile
With all the charlatans before
The rakes and cads undermining
The smiling assassins two timing
Who dealt your belief such a blow
Did unhinge your confidence
Make your trust in others go

I offer you my heart
With kisses and truth rare
I dare you to take it
Understand fully that I care
Across every ocean
In any place or time
You are the only one I love
Fixed now in words rhyme

I offer you my heart
It is free of any other ties
Alone and unencumbered given
All other claims this heart defies
Free you from the illusions
Others have offered as truths before
A fact this love is true
From outward to deepest inner core

I offer you my heart
Still you find it wanting
Seems my love is unrequited
This failure permanent is haunting
Those liars who went before me
I blame for your failure to comprehend
My heart would be the greatest prize
My love be eternal without end.

Modern working mantra

* Modern working mantra *

This drop as if a lift
Plunged from beneath my feet
My stomach yet to catch up
Seems this life has me beat
The hours spent not rejoicing
Bend my thoughts to enforcing
Mantra of modern working drone
Tomorrow will be better

This day is an aberration
Discard these memories from your head
Else they be as bags of lead
Heavy and slowing you on your way
Forget these moments of humiliation
When you exit workplace busy
Workplace misery do not assign to memory
Instead be thankful for day completed
And the salary which will be presented
Tomorrow will be better

The next day even better than that
Just forget this day resolved
As you had to forget all those before
One day your day will surely come
Until then keep your spirits high
To depression do not succumb
Know tomorrow must be better
Tomorrow will be better
The amnesic mantra of the modern working drone.

These dreams or those

*** these dreams or those ***
These dreams or those
Found online or manufactured
Fake industry strength applause
Laughter canned and deployed
Sunlight from spotlights
The Hollywood dream machine
Illusions of reality provided
Promoting a world not for you
A world for the chosen few
The blonde and bosomed brilliant
Or the pectorially assertive alpha
Every word a witty sharp delivery
The homes in which they live
Mansions of exclusive fashion
No work all fun
The opposite of the race you run
These lives to which you aspire
Which exist only upon the screens
A creation of modern desires
Fabricated in artificial climes
The peak of the greatest crimes
To steal away the real
Offer instead an illusionary deal
Of material wants and endless youth
The only rewards for the vain and uncouth
To believe such small a world to gain
An offering only leading to greater pain
When all you want found empty
The illusion fed not the spirit
All wisdom offered now dead
Dulled and dumbed down in presentation
Upon the screens so many worship
Sipping down a sleeping tonic.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


* obsolescence *
The obsolescence of things
Does not cut the heart
As the obsolescence of people
The trades they know reduced
Knowledge no longer valued
Shuffled out by newer faces
Into a world not understood
Competing for careers which don't exist
Never sure when the path changed
When they became fixed and unchanging
The dreams they sought became mirages
Always placed just out of reach
Till even those visions splendid
From their thoughts were ended
Instead reality grips them tight
During long sleepless pauper night
Arising to greet a day
No different from the empty one before
When all efforts fruitless prove
To find a job and pride restore
Their time is past and they alive remain
Dying slowly each and every second
Of each and every day.

Coming round

* coming round*
Rattle the cages
Dog catcher's coming round
Treats in his pockets
As leads the dogs down
Along the concrete corridor
To the vet's table
A treat to settle nerves
An injection in the neck
Another stray disposed of
Enthusanasia for canines
A treat and then death
Perhaps the future holds this
For all as we grow old
A smiling physician
And a clean sharp prick
And away we go
Seeking a last and final secret.

corporate corpses walking

* corporate corpses walking *
Calling all the dead men
Business corporate corpses walking
The zombies of pin stripe and black shoes
See how the lives you lead kill you
Drain a little life each day
Emails and memos sucking vitality
No Occupational Health and Safety
For the loyal devoted lapdogs of industry
Work away their lives
Till dry and pale and empty
Dismissed to junkyard of obsolence
As newer models take their place
As eager new and brash as once they were
Till the cuts of a thousand business needs
Murder them a bit each and every day
Till on completion of corporate service
Find you have whored your life to the corporation
Your reward for such gradually dying devotion
A round of drinks and ashes in your mouth
And a world you don't recognise
Which has no place for you to play.

the house of Self built

* the house of Self built *
The bricks of consequence build
A verendah of repercussions juts out
Into the reality of our life
No elephant in the room
An entire mansion constructed
Walls of decisions made
Doors formed from actions taken
A mansion of our own design
Lodestone around our neck
Of maintenance rates and upkeep needed
To spin our life nimbly as if a plate upon a stick
Takes all the gravity we can manage
There is no escaping what we have built
Where we go so goes our building
As inexorably partnered as bricks and mortar
Or thoughts and actions performed
And the inevitable consequences which follow.

Spring to the city

* Spring to the city *
The colours bright and flashing
Spring's foliage and blooms repeated
In the garments worn by human populace
In cities of concrete steel and glass
As if the spirit of Spring bursting
Has infected all those who breath
A carnival of colour proclaimed
An escape from mourning clothes of Winter
We all breath alive and free
Resurrected from grave gray Winter
For now the world is blooming brightly
And so in unison and accompaniment are we.
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High wire

* High wire *
The headline act is you
Upon the highest wire
Triple somersaults and then
A leap through a loop of fire
These are the standard parameters
Your relationships work within
Juggling your own life wishes
To coordinate with theirs
Looking for support and none forthcoming
In the eternal unceasing fight
To gain a little peace
Live a life which feels right
Love the one you would
And feel equally loved in return
Usually to your standard parameters
You add a complexity of 9
Perhaps a backflip to be achieved
A standard to be lowered
Hostile family with which to contend
Some unforgivable action
Which you are expected to forgive
This is no Hollywood presentation
Seems work still must be done
There are so many other obligations
Which hold our love to ransom
Slices up your time
So that when upon the wire
So high above the world
Nervous and unsure
For never been this high before
There are gales blowing
Plucking at your form
Alone upon the high wire
Trying not to look down
Knowing if you were to fall
Break your heart again forever.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

set self a sorry start

* set self a sorry start *
Starts are often easier
Than endings presented
A no escape finality
Annihilation of heart
Taste of ashes in your mouth
Mounds of sadness weigh you down
All those former smiles
Bent askew to support a frown
Maybe would have been better
If never started at all
Allowed self to instead wonder
Of how hard the heart would fall
Instead of seeking goddesses
Seek someone much easier
To leave or cease involvement with
A token of affection
Which would not maim the heart
When they choose to leave.

cease the ticking

* cease the ticking *
If we were to lay down clocks
Abandon timepieces all
Remove those judges self made
Of how long we have to do
Limits which we may spend
Those executioners of moments and minutes
Calendars of our age
Arbitrators of our work and play
Which objectively thin slice our day
Set our events to working week
Stipulate the time for weekend retreat
If we could lay them down
Turn them to face the wall
Stop and muffle all pendulums
Remove hands from numbered face
Detach the power which allows These mechanical glowing monsters
To hold us in their thrall
Instead return to season marks
The four alone our time march pass
No greater division than these we need
To know when to plough
When to reap or sow the seed
Or when to turn indoors
For nights are long and air cold
Is not the weather for
The infirm or those growing old
As we pass the time undriven by
Concerns of every minute spent
Instead relentless pace relents
Allow to find moments peaceful
Between dawn glow and dusk dim
No other signals need we trust
To measure our lives as they pass
Except life's dawn chorus loud
And gentle growing stillness of our dusk.


** Bliss **
Trying to lay to rest
Emotions in my thoughts
Electricity across my skin
Champagne bubbles in my veins
Set in artifact of words
Ephemeral feelings fleeting and raw
Develop a new language beautiful
To capture moments bliss
Relate how it is and was
Frisson of your smile
Pilot light of first kiss
Sparkling invitation in your eyes
A sense of timelessness and haste
Of knowing moments perfectly
Removing all infinites of doubt
All this simple trying to capture
Mould into lines and form
Nail down and in bluestone hold
The particles subatomic
Of lovers loving bliss
So instead a kernel form
A point round which may orbit
Feelings deep without form
As solid as gravity's pull
Clear and sweet as stars silver
A song without copyright
Rhythm in my blood alone
Pulsing living breathing feeling
Whispered smile on your lips
Burning trace after your kiss
Joyous tiredness after exhilarating bliss
Trying to lay down and retain
Hold insitu so can conjure forth anew
All there was in those moments rich
Depth of feeling through to universe's core
Richness beauty melody upon lips
We together only knew
The moments transcending life
Our eternal rush of bliss.

Cherry petals

* Cherry petals *
Cherry petals falls
Smudge of white and pink
Blur the memories of kisses
Hovering over your lines
Planting kisses sweet
Tracing emotions deep and rich
Lust for life is tapped
Cherry petals on your throat
Leading up your neck
Smudged across the lines
Of where you and I are met
Skin warm as Spring
Kisses gentle fall
As the cherry petals silken
Smudges of pink and white.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lens of Words

* Lens of Words *
Easy words slid
Silver down the panes
Of conversation between us
And gradually fog lifts
Reveals the landscape of you
The who you are and why
The reasons why you wear
Real colour of your hair
Political leanings you possess
The career you have made
Work ethic you hold and have
How you wonder often
If between words a code
A jazz rhythm only understood
By the good or the bold
And I see this panorama of you
And have to smile to myself
Becuase I do so love this view.

New Environmentalism

* new environmentalism *
Think slow thoughts
The new environmentalism
Don't think global or local
Instead think self
Your own thoughts
Don't consume others ideas
Follow blindly others lead
Think the entire line
From raw material to manufactured
Use of electricity
The burning of coal
Use of water
Release of toxins and gases
Understand your role
Understand your needs and emotions
Save yourself
Then save your world
The new environmentalism
Starts inside your thoughts and soul.

Monday, September 13, 2010

hoping for amnesty

* hoping for amnesty *
Declare an amnesty
A peace today
For warring couple
Divided and united
A house brokenhearted
All the dreams rent
Words of sharpen leather
Pain without gain
The same tired soliloquies
Of want and need
Of care and bleed
Hurting with every embrace
Battering each other round this place
No professional wrestling fiction
Every wound deep and genuine
Claret spilled heart's blood
Not home now abattoir
And we dying beasts
Die so hard and so loudly.

Circles in circles

* circles in circles *
Roundrels in sky at dawn
Circles within circles
Archery targets red yellow and blue
Ripples on a pond
Iris and pupil repeating each other's form
Hubcap silver and tyre
Circles within circles
Dreams not often repeated
King and the servants
Specially chosen to eternally served
The infinity marked
By circles with circles
A never ending state
No starting and no ending
As they are repeating
As circles in circles.


* jordan *
Slow trains for Jordan
Down to holy waters trip
Pilgrims in reverence silent
Thinking into waters slip
Perhaps cannot stand in same spot
For river always hurries on
But perhaps water which brushes
Might have brushed against them too
Those holy men of history
Guides of our lands
Those people to whom we pray
Prophets who do tell us
There is a greater plan.


* templated *
How you equate your life
To signposts in your mind
By those who maintain their hold
Through the hours of daily grind
Be born attend your kindergarten
School and university pursue
Entry level jon at a large corporate
Safe indenture of your time
A salary just sufficient to
Allow you to buy a house
Or rent and family support
While always dangling carrot
A little more effort
And a slightly larger reward
If prepared to spend the time
In servitude to company laws
Change from one company to another
Different street address
Same taking of your lifetime
To accrue the dollars and cents
For a subsistence existence
When unable any more to work
When your bones truly ache
All thoughts are slow to reach
And what you are is not who you were
Even memories in your mind
Dying and fading out of reach
A life spent living the life they said
The life you had to live
Stable and orderly and neat
Work between certain hours
Sleep when it is dark
Do not oppose the lifestyle
Taught for milleniums
To peasants planting seeds
To seasonal events
The life you lead imposed
Through template in your head.

Friday, September 10, 2010


* thimble *
This heavy load in a heart
This trembling thimble of love
Tipped over and loving all run out
An ugly smear on your life
A stain which will not fade
Not even sure why love spilled
Never seemed to be your intention
To believe love could end
Destroy a relationship which did not offend
All the same has now been done
The love has drained away
A rancid taste in mouth to stay
Broken vows rough edges scrape
Dig at veneer of apathy
Bring to surface bile of guilt
An acid kick in all you see
A world of complete negativity
All brought on by what you did
When allowed thimble full to fall.

Getting to OFF

* Getting to OFF *
I can't find the OFF
The switch I want to cross
Move down push in
Change its current position
Life is on and I am in
A thousand moments minute
And deep claws rake my soul
Heart a deep sea trawling net
Trawling though the cold complacency
Drowning hope love and ideals
The sniping nibbling deals
Making me less than I thought
I ever was or ever thought to be
A wasted futile straw clown
Gradually being whittled down
No more weight than a feather
Should have always known better
An easy escape not acceptable
I will live till Death does settle
This wildly beating anxious heart
Then plant some tulip bulbs in me
And as I decompose see beauty.

Those shadows slight

* those shadows slight *
Silent bounds of night
Moon searchlight marks
Advance of shadows slight
Those terrors in almost darkness
Unrelenting horrors of child's night
Hiding in the wardrobe
Lurking underneath the bed
Cast by dressing gown hanging
These silent marauders wait
To pounce and rend and tear
Nameless adbominations fierce
Creatures of sharp teeth and claws
Cast from infernal imaginations
Innocence of eye and face
Feels them drawing near
Perhaps these are the ghosts
Of future's yet to see
The adult challenges they will face
Fears they must defeat
The inhabitants of the dark
Who intrude on edge of sleep
Leave you lying awake in bed
Hair prickling on your neck
At advance of shadows slight
These terrors of your night.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Turner's sky

* Turner's Sky *
A Turner skyscape
Blue and grays and whites
Swirled across the sky
And chromatic rays on horizon
Sun dipping now to die
Is evening of the day
A death to work or play
Night shall soon arrive
And on this doorstep exit
A Turner sky fullblown
All the clouds whipped and puffed
Colour bent to edge of prism
Flatten into glowing beams
Reflected from sky and clouds
Shadows cast by these sky giants
Tweak and twist the light some more
Palate knife spread and curl
Setting forth this Turner sky
Palate mixed and mixed anew
Finding shades to express
The sky's moving moods
Reflected light on this edge
And dusk racing the painter's brush
To capture this moment for infinity.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Riting 'n Reading

* the 2 R's - Riting 'n Reading *
Writing is not easy
Writing entails pain
Writing should tax feeling
Writing should strain the brain
For reading must never do
For reading must be simple
For reading must be easy
For reading you must want to do
Writing should link thoughts
Writing should be release
Writing should allow empathy
Writing should create a readers feast.

these fears of mine

* these fears of mine *
The fears I hold are mine
And mine alone to tend
The wonder if work done well
If remarks might offend
All the politic discussions
Of what should be done and why
The balancing of issues raised
Those left out in dark
The worries of what may come to past
The mortgage must be paid
Even as bills mount higher
My cheerfulness I wield
Against negativity and doubt
The stress forever mounts
There seems to be no escape
Always more to be completed
Less is provided with which to do
All the things so urgent
A pause the end of you
Teetering above a chasm
Of your life's sharp obligations
To fall is to fail and instant doom
To stay an art of perseverance
Beyond the means of all
Eventually all shall fail
Into chasm dashed
Upon sharp rocks be broken
Another useless casualty
Thank goodness for my merriment
The smile upon my face
For if they knew the fears which lurk
Would summarily eject me from this place.
* renaissance *
Mosiac chips of meaning
Floating in a flood
Trying to decipher yearning
Cement of Life astray
Love a lighthouse beacon
Lit by filament of Hope
Expecting dots to all connect
The dominoes in a row to fall
One day when I am older
When wisdom brilliant bestowed
For now it seems Dark Ages
Period without learnings true
Await the bright Renaissance
Perhaps will start with you.


* meditate *
Point of Null pulsing
Black absorbing presence
Tranquil waters ripple
The soundscape of Peace
Time and Emotion stilled
Drifting unattached
From Wants Needs Desires
Untethered from Worldly Concerns
Escape to reflection
A thoughtless world
Unplagued by doubts
Become part of Universe
Atoms of Self mix
Medidate to redemption
Buddha's dream flowers.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Self critiquing

* self critiquing *
A thousand courtrooms in my head
The sentence life until I'm dead
Of these judges pernicious
Their sly sniping words vicious
Demean of my humanity
Highlight my constant fraility
The weakness of my actions
Lack of fibre in my morals
Sponginess of my compassion
Ashes of my passion
No defence witnesses are called
For none it seems can be found
Who would not under cross examination
Become a witness for the prosecution
And the list the prosecution supplied
Reads as a phone book of loved and acquantainces
Seems everyone has an axe to grind
A stiletto to slip between my ribs
An obscenity to cast
My judgement to question
In the dock I stand
Defenceless before my self
The recrimination endless
The vitriol infinite
Seems by all ways these things are measured
I am a conceited know nothing greasy little shit.

The Avoiding Dance

+The Avoiding Dance+

106 pairs of eyes avoid
The chance of meeting another pair
Non acknowledgement of commuters
In their private places quiet
The travel in and travel out
Not a time for strangers
For some strangers are stranger
Than you have ever wanted to know

212 eyes studiously denying existence
Of any others on this carriage
Solitary travel sought
No exchange of views wanted
Not seeking privilege of knowing better
The strangers on this train
To remain strangers evermore
Public transport code unspoken
To blankly stare away and all ignore.

City Spring

* City Spring
Green is the shoots
Green is tall grass reaching
Green the fields I see
Green lawns cut short
Green Spring everywhere to see
Sun is out and breeze is fair
Fresh clean city air
The storms have springcleaned
Roads gleam as drying slowly up
Storms have whisked fumes away
Air is clear no orange smudge
On horizion of this city home
We can breath and taste the world
A hint of Spring in every breath
Awake and free in season's thrall
Seems a new life for all.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The northern frontier again

The northern frontier again

* northern frontier again *

A war distant and unkind
Unable to a nation bind
Bickering safely back home
While young men in deserts roam
No accounting for the taste
Of what the public will waste
How the budget is not deep enough
To purchase vital war stuff
The pawnbrokers hold their goods
Down payment on body armour
Camouflage is useless against
Taliban with a Kashnilkov
And in Sloane square
Arabs race their Bugattis for a dare
Made wealthy on oil money
Protected by homecounty lads with short hair
All the world seems turned upside down
Veterans left forgotten on return
Euro  trumps defending pound
How long till Kinghtsbridge burns.



 * crack *
If to open vistas
Tear the world asunder
Move the dreams to page
Lock down thoughts in words
This conceivably may be done
With stapler hammer or nailgun
Nibs of pens are insufficient
Keyboards of the world deficient
Bring on a hydrogen bomb
Something to crack the crust
Set loose molten flowing juices
Of living Earth beneath our feet
Eruptions continuous in consciousness
This rush of ideas fermenting
Bursting forth under sustained pressure
An idea more lethal than
All weapons all strength all nay-saying
A religion born
A philosophy blooming
An invention from shadows rise
And change this world
Rewrite this world
In the shape of dreams made words.

Party political mindset

Party political mindset

 * party political mindset *
Dreamlite states of decision
Tomorrow will never come
Uncomfortable truths need not be addressed
Someone else can right wrongs
If we say it is right it is
History will need to praise us
The electrorate must love us
Leadership by following the polls
Politics of aggression and denial
For any idea not by us conceived
More important to retain power
Rather than to do what needs be done
Every squeak must be oiled
Every vested interest appeased
In case they withdraw support
The party political must survive
Even if the country is gone.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

mind worm

mind worm

 * mind worm *
Those music days
Return in my head
The sounds of tunes trapped
Only I can hear repetitively
The beat pounding as my pulse
The refrain distraction to my voice
Some sickly sweet pop song
Inescapable all day long
Winding round and round
If only I knew second verse
Instead this first repetitive I curse
Cannot even recall the group
Who conjured this addictive alphabet soup
Could be A-Ha trading cliches
Or Village People young man's clubs
Constant pounding at my brain
Sickly sweet endless refrain 
As I try to escape my own head
Running up the hill.

Live fast, die fat

Live fast, die fat

 * live fast, die fat *
Charge of the fried brigade
Potato cakes to the front
Battered fish at the rear
Steaming chips as reinforcements
A call to cholesterol
To be consumed with savage glee
This fast feast laid before me
Splash on wounds of tomato sauce
A holy sprinkling of vinegar
And the welcome bite of salt
The paper bindings are my plate
Presented carried and kept warm
Now this fried food meets its fate
I may not be destroyer of worlds
But to this food I am Ragarnok
The final day and annihilation
I wolf down chip and fish and cake
Revenge on Jaws as I consume my flake
This is a meal savoury and fine
On which even the poor can dine.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



* end *
Tired whistling in the dark
Another day succumbed I mark
Of toil for the salary
Nearer to blocked artery
Heart attack or stroke strike
Remove me from mortal coil
Show no result for worklife toil
All those things listed for afterwards
After work after school always after
Never to be begun or ended
Seems the Fates I have offended
To die with so much undone
Living life to get to there
Rather than doing here
Laughter of gods in my ears
As chest tightens and face my fears
This is cessation of my life
No time for hugs of children or wife
This is the end of my Time
End of poetry rhyme and line.

Take me home

Take me home

* take me home *
Take me home
I am all done with roaming
Take me home
All these foreign cities look the same
Take me home
To the world of vegemite and lamingtons
Take me home
I homesick for the Sun's attentions

My backpacks full
Of strange coins and adventures
Trinkets and cheap postcards bought
In a dozen semi-exotic ports
All these accents run into incomprehensibility
Give me a Queensland drawl
Or a no worries from the south
Sydneysiders where everyones mate
Take me home
I am done with foreign roaming

Take me home
Where all your complaining is whinging
Take me home
To snakes and flies and sharks
Take me home
To horizon skylines uninvaded
Take me home
To eucalyptus scent and kookaburra laughter
Take me home
I am done with foreign roaming

Take me home
To my own bed
Take me home
By plane sea or even walking
Take  me home
And set me free
Take me home
Just take me home
Every journey must have an ending
Take me home
So I can begin all my new beginnings
Take me home
Because I am all done with this foreign roaming

Take me home.

Take me home.

Take me home.