* after work drinks *
There was nothing done
Just words and drinks
Reflection on workday past
The performance and foibles of others
A totally innocent occurence
You could have been there
Would the conversation have been as lively
The thoughts with interest flare
Noted how she sat upon her seat
The pointing direction of her feet
Brushing back of her hair
Even the words she chose to use
Tongue circling vocabulary abuse
A clarion call to thoughts
Best used and set aside
In another context or situation
In fact an entire different person
Captivating your thoughts
Rather than a worl colleague
Over a beer or two
Exploring knowing each other
Finding if conversation continue
Beyond the bounds of work
Trying to associate this person
With who she is meant to be
Could be in my universe
But nothing at all happened
I left and did she
Headed to our different homes
Partners waiting there for us
It was all a totally inconnect occurence
Which probably won't reoccur.
Friday, July 30, 2010
After work drinks
Travellers, suburbia lostii
* travellers, suburbia lostii *
Helping mindless strangers
Lost and naïve tourists
Venturers beyond their patch
Looking aroubd like five year olds
For the first time leaving the nursery
They crowd together close
As if weight of numbers would provide
Safety from uncertainty
The knowledge of directionless
Searching for a sign
With more fervour than a prophet
Cast adrift on public transport
As alien a concept to them
As tran-fictional-matter-transportation
Or little green men in flying saucers
All their previous adventures
Been through the flickering screen
On the wildlife channel
Or with the lovely Catriona
To bravely take their hands.
Window Angel
* window angel *
Frozen ghost of sight
Reflection in train window
The vaguries of light
Conceal your presence from me
Somewhere in the crowded carriage
You sit somewhat pensively
Leaning forward as if ready
To take flight immediately
When your station is reached
Or if your privacy breached
Half turned away from those sharing
The seats on which you sit
Dark scarf fallen open
A ribbon across pale white of top
Hair hangs straight and golden brown of ale
As the lady with pearl earring
Your delicate shell of ear exposed
A small round pearl in lobe sits
Tictac glossy whiteness shines
Your smile is not in residence
Been sent away today
Instead a steel barrier of concern
Conceals your thoughts from view
And how I wish I had the bravery
To stop and talk to you
Retrieve some words from your thoughts
Lighten load of life
Perhaps encourage smile to return
My reflected window spirit
On the morning train.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
* petal
A single petal
Half a kiss it seems
A caress cross body
Sensuality of dreams
Falling upon warm skin
Cool petal touch
Bringing sensation waking
A preclude to more such.
Growing less not greater
* growing less not greater *
Life as we know it grows
The cultures of old
Leave us monoliths magnificent
Stonehenge or the Pyramids
Structures to dwarf humanity
Make us understand our smallness of being
Our insignificance in universe and Time
So much was larger and louder
Machines great threshing mechanisms
Pulleys and belts and gears and cogs
Factories built around them to hold them
People minions to these steam powered coal fed monsters
Now as we grow larger and taller
Would all be considered well fed giants
Before our stunted underfed ancestors
The length of our lives biblical in scale
We make our machines and devices ever smaller
Miniaturising our tools in size and sound
A murmuring of clicking the only vocabulary they possess
No great utterances of steam
No clanking deafening machine symphony
We exist with machines so small
Performing so many deeds of our choosing
As if we had become Masters of this Universe
And the universe watches
The insignificance of our world
Meagreness of our deeds
We who are Gods in our small pond
Unable to explore any further
Our visions growing smaller
Our deeds and lives more insignificant
Laying a basis it must be hoped
For our ancestors to properly challenge
The universe in which we live
Beyond the atmospheric bubble of our world.
* Candice *
Looking out not looking in
Always losing never win
Your two and two does not equate
Four winning is never to be your fate
Close your eyes to try and escape
Your heart is bruised and lips scrape
Raw as liver coarse as broken glass
They assured these times would pass
Seems forever without a friend
Lonely vigil without an end
Seeing others find their loving one
Skews your spirit brings you undone
Is no anaesthetic for this pain
Constant movement for no gain
You hear Capt Oates words with a black smile
Just stepping out might be a while
The rented rooms you tidy keep
Return each night alone to sleep
Some can survive these lonely nights
Without television on and all the lights
A blaze of global warming is your place
The lights radio and tv allow you grace
As if another human presence there
A reason for wearing lipstick and doing your hair
Becomes so any human interaction almost too much too bear
Your heart is lost and so deeply cares
Answers all lost in life's haze
No escaping Time's mighty blaze
Looking out not looking in
Seems predestined to never win.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Appetite allusion
* appetite allusion *
Crunchy smooth skinned cider frogs
Richest most luscious taste of all
Suck on the warm silk soft skin
Capture upon your hungry lips
Talk taste with tip of tongue
Arch your body to close upon
Taut peaks alive with sensual pleasure
Lust after juices rising upward
Intoxicating scent of loving cider
Exotic tang and nip upon the tongue
Taste buds relish and demand more
A feast become an addiction
Too gluttony swiftly succumb
Trace each line of cider frog
Fingers stroke and caress
Delve niches hidden hot
Explore rising curve and line
As if sketching into your memory
The shape which is the canvas on which you draw
Suffocate in delight
Rise and fall again hungrily
Feel heat flare as metamorphesis
Of cider frog into your self
Lines grow blurred
Relaxing into heady sensual pleasure
Intoxicated and eventually sated
Beyond this feeding find
Your self exhausted and content
For this moment until
Another crunchy smooth skinned cider frog moment
Enlivens your otherwise bland day
Brings pleasure's kiss and reason sways.
Party life
* party life *
Welcome to the party
Been waiting for you to arrive
We have been celebrating life
How we have managed to survive
Tequila on the top shelf
Beer is in the fridge
Most of the vodkas in Ralph
This party is ridgey-didge
Welcome to the party
Glad you did arrive
We are celebrating sunrise and sunsets
And all moments and parts inbetween
The musics set to very very loud
Bathroom perpetually occupied
Leave your presents on the table
Watch out for Ralph he's totally fried
Welcome to the party
Glad you got here alive
Gatecrashers go to the basement
Parents not allowed inside
If you see drugs say no
The same to celibracy
Leave your hang-ups at the door
Enjoy a night of notoriety
Welcome to the party
For everything worth celebrating for
First kisses in hallway closets
No guns no religion no war
There is no irony in our stand
Mortal time is all you have
Enjoy your life and world today
Tomorrow new tenants move in.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Truth and lies
* truth and lies *
Colours of your mind
Birds of language tweet
Our world impressionism
Minted in our thoughts
Coin of own perception used
Value of currency dependant
On who you are and what
The moment is about
Bankruptcy of reputation
A fate most terrible to endure
All utterances called into question
Our painting palette restricted
To colours bland and unilluminating
For be folly to tread
To close to edge of truth
For from there the greatest fall
Beyond society's sheltering roof.
Autumn morning
* autumn morning *
Autumn sunlight dappled
Smudges of light
Floating on coarse winter grass
Air is frosted still
Hints of gauzy cloud
Dull a sky of blue
Sun a flat disc of mercury
Nailed to the sky
Stares down impotently
On shadows where cold lies
The Sun's ray will spread
Dappled patches grow
Heat return to a Melbourne day
In this season of Autumn cold.
Mysterious ways of faith
* mysterious ways of faith *
The substantiation of my soul seems to be on hold
The move from man to angel
A spiritual awakening
Being able to hear God's voice
Completely ignored
The days go by unconsecrated
A heretic I feel
Searching for this hidden faith
Which to my heart or eyes is not revealed
There are some I know
Imbued with inner glow
Fully confident in belief
Know their God so well
And yet so often they are unkind
Bigots and judgemental beyond belief
Live a life mired in fear
Searching constantly for casus belli In every other religion or faith they encounter
Whether far or near
Seems they hold a faith
Undercuts simple things I believe
That humanity is mostly good
People are flawed yet real
We have choices we can make
And no single way is ideal
All should live their lives
In respect for one another
And if not love your brother
Do not brand him infidel
Do not brand him heathen
He has same right to God
Same right to pursue a meaning
The same as I do
Even if all the faith I possess
Injected in to a football team
For whom highest pinnacle is to win the season
Something they might one year achieve
For now there is only confusion and chaos
When they are playing
And premiership faith is another form of dreaming.
Tuesday would be laundry day
* Tuesday would be laundry day *
The pale tired faces lift
Sheets on a Hills Hoist
As the trucks go by
Glimpse the wounded in them
Heading to the hospitals
Or fresh recruits clean
Heading the other way
Then faces drop and focus
On the heels of man in front
Trudging back from the frontline
Rain turned roads to mud
Battle mens minds to mush
Alive and yet so scarred
A fear a strong wind
Will blow them all away
As sheets on a Hills Hoist.
Monday, July 26, 2010
*** fragmenting ***
These thoughts dark
Or just pensive and undecided
To live with lovelessness
To feel a lack of connection
To add the straws upon camel's back
Till camel falters and falls
Till all tears wrung out leave
A dry Autumn leaf
Easy crushed when gripped
When any pressure applied at all
Becomes a pile of dust and fragments
Such is the life of so much else
Of today and tomorrow.
* tight *
Escape these bands constricting
These niggles persisting
This doom inevitable
Feel approaching totally
This dream held firm and bright
These mornings vast
Nights broad and untold
Escape the shunning and the cold
Gather warmth to heart
Against the future mark
New reminsciences to be made
Past is there but life's space left
To create memories new.
* Uncomplicate *
For an uncomplicared life
A life of love and warm toast
Of friends easily visiting
Not feeling press of expectation
Able to set aside all manner
Of doings and achievements
Of being able to love
And be loved in return.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
*ending *
Escape these thoughts
This tangled mistake
This break in humour
This failing I refuse to admit
The nights grow longer
Days tortured
An inquistion of the soul
Oppression of the spirit
This loving union hollow
This bridge between broken
We stare across an abyss
Unfulfilled and uncertain
Of when the axe may fall
But hearing the executioner's steps
Remorselessly grow louder.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Electoral solution
* electoral solution *
Another election borne forth
Balloon expanding through hot air
Our guardian saviours on display
Mighty servants to the public
In the yoke of leadership
Ready to be voted in
Perform selfless acts of governance
These paradigms of practicality
Virtuous men and women without stain
Charitable in word and deed
Driven forward by public concern
Not by philosophies constricting
Ready to do what must be done
Despite the political cost
So are elections fought
In the legendary Camelot
Of course Arthur was a King
Feudal overlord supreme
Would most likely have seen
Democratic processes as poppycock
Gathered up his Roundtable
Put those disloyal subjects to the sword
When I see our shallow politicians
Mean in mind and unkind in heart
Wish I had a sword and lance
So I could do the very same.
In focus
* In focus *
Lives inside your focus
The aura small town living
Even in a city
Those we know and care about
Rich islands in this sea
Of people we acknowledge
A nod or passing glance
Far outweigh the few in number
To whom we do relate
Those within our sight
Abchored to our heart
Those to whom our thoughts turn
When day grows dark.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Death of Hope
* Death of Hope. *
The death of hope
Fragile bird so light
Uplifter of souls
Tune in our deafness
Echo to our pleas
Died from confusion
Rationality and fear
Left as roadkill alongside
Compassion and commonsense
The death we know of
Makes it appear we really care
When of a care we did
Hope would be alive
Not hung up and crucified
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Love you till
*** Love you till ***
Fascinating and scintillating
Words butterfly gorgeous
Needed to describe you
Intriguing and enigmatic
A puzzle to be challenged
Descriptions of you apt
A goddess made mortal
Of this earthly realm true
I will love you till I'm dead
Perfection in your character
Wonder of your skin
Lips of melting molten fire
A maiden curious and strong
Lock away my reason
Cast aside the key
On levels elemental bewitching
You have captured all of me
I will love you till I'm dead
Scrouge my back with birches
Chain me to the bed
Blindfold me in my folly
Salt my words with hypocrite tears
Bruise my ego as skin break
I will love you till I'm dead
Carve initials into my skin
On my skin pen your lust
Let wax drip and form puddles
On my skin and head
Muted form does not speak
I will love you till I'm dead
Harness me to your cart
Deliver meals to your chamber
Sip my blood from open cuts
Such intimacy of biting kiss
Bind me in silk sheets tight
Leave me broken on your bed
I will love you till I'm dead
Imagination and perversion sharp
In you twinned and bonded
Know my weaknesses and my loves
When each of two are one
And both are cunningly breached
No restraints to imagination
To devilment and mischief wrought
I will love you till I'm dead
Draw my body taut
Crack each bone and turn to dust
Inflict on me your pain and crush
The being insignificant I am
There is no life worth living
Counterfeit and flawed without your presence
There is no gain without your loving
I will love you till I'm dead.
**** immortal *****
Hungry maw of art
Feed the writing angry
Commas stabbed to page
Writing in a form of rage
World renounce who I am
Shall make myself immortal is my plan
Write with slashing purple strokes
Arterial blood red explodes
Copper taste in the air
Massacre of thoughts
Barbed wire sentences
on which hang slaughtered metaphors
This is the Somme and Khe Sanh
Sweat blood ink and fears
Bring up heavy calibre vocabulary
A dawn charge cross open page
Sequentially delve iridescent adjectives
Release them from stys
Rutting gutting supping hogs
Greedy for the space on page
Leave me blind with rage
Splash words with tabloid intensity
Before reaching an unenforceable conclusion
A pregnant pause concluded
Child born must find readers
Life beyond covers so dependant
On the care of strangers.
?:3)'+ Words. :;_)'/*
Translate these words of love
Interpreter is your lips
Dialogue are our kisses
Transcending email or text
A prequel to ideas to canvas
Translate these words of desire
Interpreter is your embrace
Dialogue our caresses
Transcending letters or floral messes
A prequel to ideas to canvass
Translate these words of love
Interpreter of a hundred tongues
Dialogue script of dreams
A prequel to irgency of now.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
* Pope-foolery *
Papal nightmares in so many sizes
Pentient priests groping small children
Scandalous cardinals defrauding millions
Heretics in sermons disobeying papal bulls
Blessing for dictators and unjust wars
The papal nightmares build
Christ's fisherman in prayer constant
Oh Lord why have you forsaken me
An echo of an earlier plea
Then comes out with madness
Casts a greater pall of sadness
Pedophiles equates to female clergy
Why in God's name this declaration
Seems this Pope empty of all divinty
Driving away all sense of common unity
Closetted in Rome with papal hacks
Has no sense his Church is seen to lack
A compassion christlike true
A New Testament of God's sacrifice view
Instead projects an ugly obscenity of humanity
An exclusivity his God would not marry
More he finds those who provide offence
More of us he moves outside the fence
A religion for all becomes a God for few
Is this what successful religions always do?
biographers take note
* biographers take note *
Finding where the stories start
It is in fact an Art
We all have our stories true
Where they start speaks of you
Do you ignore the days of sorrow
Days did not earn had to borrow
Focus primarily on days of success
Such joys you almost forgot rest
Where does your story start
What beginning at what part
When you were young and knew no better
When education completed and first employment letter
How do you measure your life's achievements
Will you be truthful or deceiving
Mislead the reader with bias facts
Omit a relationship delete some acts
Where will your odyssey start
From which port on which ark
Warrior or philosopher presented
On what manner of being will you be commented
Describe yourself in grandiose words extreme
Or simple words succinct and clean
Describe your place in the world
Or how around you world curled
The story told must hold the reader
Make of them a firm believer
So where you begin is the important part
All that follows confirms that start.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thoughts against orders
* thoughts against orders *
Whistling dirges in the dark
Beside the Rhine after five long years
A pause before tomorrow's push
Tank engines idling as cool down
The night gradually envelopes
All evidence of Man's warlike urge
The need to fight and purge
The other of language or nationality
Or political ideals or religious creed
We kill and in turn are killed
Beneath same Sun on shared planet
How foolish our quarrels will appear
When we have left this Earth so dear
Raced across galaxies vast
So our seed so dispersed might forever last.
** every generation's battle **
There are no reasons
Untrue or born unnaturally
Which confound philosopher's apprentice
All dream in reach understood
Nightmares transmuted to mud
Escapes of reality grounded
All truths rich well fed
Stagger gigantic across landscape
Of thoughts and ideas
All what was dismissed and set
Aside and denied
The reasons hollow as drums
Open as horns between which
Run the darkest chords
Ignore dismiss withdraw
Those falsifies of reason remain
To be knocked down anew
Each generation must test own naivety
Believe in common errors
The what should bes often are not
Human nature may incline to goodness
Also inclines to selfish slothfulness
A full stomach does not question
What died to fill that cavern
Tomorrow always fresh dawn
For reasons ignoble and flawed
To be faced by good men
As dragons have always needed to be defeated
By bravery and knowledge.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Deep escape
* * deep escape * *
Escape vigilance of sight
Wrap self in deepest darkest night
Slip all the lines
Ease into movement
Sleek lines of freedom
Wind in the sails
Escape is the reason
This fugitive season
No greater impulse
Than save self growing helpless
Twisted and tangled and knotted
Lost in a maze self-plotted
Wrap self in anonymity
Ignore age's ignorminity
Slip into velvet folds
Of deep dark concealing night
Forever escape vigilance of sight.
* journey *
The bridge is never long enough
this river always broader
The crossing always deeper
Ford misplaced or washed away
There are no easy journeys
Timetables always missed
Luggage will be lost
Tickets left in hotel room drawers
Natural disasters many
Volcanic eruptions ash choking
Flood or drought or fire
Perhaps an outbreak of war
Simple case of civil disorder
A baggage handlers strike
No easy journeys exist
Enabling you to get from A to B
There are always conflicts
Hotel bookings unrecorded
Schedules used out of date
A new system for visas
Fresh taxes to pay
Mobile phone flat batteries
Accommodation too far away
From sights you want to see
Topographically challenged taxis
Which drive from A to Z not C
Easy journeys do not exist
Leaving your doorway an adventure
There are always issues
Challenges which arise
Disputes to be reconciled
Extra work to be performed
The journey is as much of life
As the destination at either end.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
* decide *
These fireside chats weary
Just do and be damned
No more tedious moralising
Opinion seeking fence sitting
Trust yourself and act
Block out those opposing angels
Of conscience and reason
Self appointed guardians of you
Make a yes or no
Your procrastinating sickens
Neither fish nor fowl decisions
Caught forever between
Any decision at all
Decide and accept consequences
All this pitiful dithering
Abject selfish quivering
Sickening nauseating seesawing
Overwrought decision melodrama
Take the chocolate or vanilla
Take neither or both
Just choice a damned dessert
Put an end to all this bother.
Lets lie
* Lets lies *
These sleeping dogs let lie
To many tear to cry
If logs overturned
Old truths revealed
Safely hidden deep
Beneath rationalism and hypocrisy
These unsettled parents of
A tense strict peace
Long quiet sterile evenings
Doomed sleepless dreamless nights
Peacekeepers patrol regularly
Make no fuss
Compromise a little more
Until you can longer recognise
Who or what your fighting for
All the love and passion gone
What once seemed so black and white
A seamless sea of neutral grey
The thing you most desired
Grail lightly grasped
Has eluded you once more.
Hearth survives
* hearth survives *
The hearth remains
Inside burnt out shell
Walls were levelled
Roof fell in
Fire done its worse
No use for living in
What wasn't burnt
Is all they have
Which is their lives
For which they are glad
In borrowed clothes
Each hugs the other
And the hearth remains.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Taint it so
** taint it so **
Tainted blood of fore bearers
Yet not for them I would not be here
Listen to their jokes and cracks
Destroy my youthful illusions dear
In a younger person ignorance
An occasion to be taught
In the old ignorance abhorrent
Do not hear or heed your talk
Attitudes and behaviour hard wired in
Wonder how much I acquired
Came with this family skin
In my years of growing up
How much soaked in
Am I as blind as they
To the faults many I carry
Do I suddenly break the mood
With racists comments confronting
Denigrate by race or gender
Those whom I do not approve
Racist or sexist or misogynist
Which attitudes do I carry
My thinking of my virtue pure
An example of ignorance is bliss
A taint upon my skin and soul
A way of learning rubbed in deep
Those thoughtful people who raised me so
Prevent me now from restful sleep.
* fear *
Escape your grasp and swim
The fear an isolating thing
Drives self to despair's edge
A private private undertaking
Not shared with any other
Produced in form and bluster
A showing of aggressive anger
A cycle of self hate
This fear of everything
This fear of everybody
Falling dead as a snowflake
On bright Summer morn.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tower success
* tower success *
Build it and they will come
The Babel city council motto
In league with developers saw an oportunity
So up went the Tower of Babel
An engineering super achievement
Using multi-national labour
The latest in claybrick construction techniques
Utilising the latest Arabic mathematics
For stress tolerances and angled directions
Always likely to a white elephant
Too many innovations all at once
And an over-ambitious business success definition
To reach the Gods in heaven
Except heaven's location wasn't clearly defined
Either philosophically or in cubits
Just a vague faith based approach
Then there was inevitable scope creep
Arguments over shape of the tower
The Modern Egyptian pyramid
Or the tradional Babylonian Ziggurat
The invention of honeyed mead didn't help
A hardworking alcohol soaked workforce
Made downtown Babel fractious on a Friday night
The project inevitably came apart
Some blamed divine intervention
For making each man unable to understand the next
And so all work grew confused and failed
More likely I would think
A workforce management issue
Not enough shekels in the monthly paypacket
Demand for more lenient whip usage
An extra mead break demand too many
Or maybe the tower just got so high
Outpaced innovations supporting the building
Occupational health and safety issues arose
Grew so horrendous and taxed popular imagination
Could a man survive hundred feet up
Get nose bleeds or collapse unconscious
The perils of these pioneers
Doomed the endeavour to failure
And this Seventh Wonder of the World
Failed stairway to the Gods
Spun as a successful eco-park
Used for hanging gardens.
Bastard tongue
* bastard tongue *
Oh twisted viper in the grass
Unruly surly language
Beneath my heel you twist
Never content to freeze still
Tautologies easy purvey
Words fall in and out of favour
Constantly seek new meanings
For words which were once thus
And where no word exist
Or where five might stand
Show no shame in unveiling fresh
Words stolen from other lands
Mispronounce them or spell anew
This language has no glue
A bastard's bastard of a bastard's tongue
Leftovers mixed with ancient stew
Know no boundaries or limits set
Grammar there just for fun
Break every rule and run run run
This is fly or sick or deadly
Portals not to homes but information
Web where no spiders dwell
In deceit or communication
The structure of a word might sound
The same as it is spelled
Or in opposition to all sense common
For in original language different rules applied
Or the place where emphasise is strong
Restresses the word to new sounds
I's and e's in constant orbit around c's
A language to have grown up with
Which shall always make you feel juvenile
As moves the goalposts and re-marks the pitch
Changes number of players and throws out rules of game
English scarlet harlot of fickle game
Twisted braided knotted spun
Letters jumbled can be words become
Vowels or constants not always required
This language so haphazardly wired
Always a potential fatal shock
For those who employ it daily.
First compliance
* first compliance *
Rockets blur red in flight
Firework explosions bright
Evening sky scarred alive
First love comes to life
Melted marshmallow kisses
Sticky close holding blisses
These close alignments show
Even young hearts to love bow.
* foolishness *
Foolish enough to care
For starving orphans distant
On a completely different continent
While cynically acknowledging
Most of any donation
Pays for charity administration
And that which finally arrives
Fills the pockets of bureaucrats
And political representatives
Of the country to which aid is sent
Would it not be better cleaner
To suspend all aid completely
Store the wheat and aid
Upon our fine uncorrupted shore
Allow instead famine and war
To decimate them all
Cut back to numbers manageable
And then we could explore
The courses to restore
A civilised form of giving
A sustainable form of living
Not based on guilt or laws
Removed from filthy political paws
Where what is best for all is considered
And a life worth living not just existing is delivered.
Maths rule
* maths rule *
Adding up the reasons
Lining up the why's
Simple multiplication never is the guide
Something deeper underlying
Algebra of the soul
Sets us in constant orbit
Satellites around the greatest presence in our lives
The love equally fostered and acknowledged
A prime number indivisible
By anyone else
A simple matching of like to like
An elegant equation
With a fully proven answer
The two of us.
* Yar *
Olden time nautical sayings
Come crashing onto my consciousness
Ships were always
Clean cut of a jib
To describe a well mannered and solid ship
Beautiful at the prow
To describe a ship of beauty
Holds the head well
A ship capable of sitting well into the wind
All these expressions archaic to me
Though I guess wind driven sailors might use them still
Come to mind as you hove into view
You are a friend and I like the cut of your jib
Solid in loyalty and fierce in friendship
The hairdressers and fashion designers
Have managed to understand your needs
You catch the eye of those who pass
Enviously admiring your form and style
Indeed beautiful on the prow
And if life's battles flares
An unhelpful head wind rises
You do not turn and run
Instead you set a steady course
Unpertrubed by headwinds
You set your course as strongly as possible
To the destination you have set
And there was a Bing Crosby movie
With Grace Kelly being a terrible flirt
Where they described as yar
The perfect ship in line and action
A thing of beauty and love
And as you say hello
I realise how yar you are
And how entranced and captured I have become.
Faux pas
* faux pas *
The last retreat of vanity
Beyond a world of mirrors
Cravat worn jauntly
A flat wide brimmed ermine trimmed hat
A bright cheese yellow shirt
Made in Italy of purest silk
Pantaloons of midnight blue
Shoes capped with diamonds
A fashion statement beyond fashion
A moving extravaganza of style
Ignoring all the looks and stares
The whispered words as go by
Only you can dare to wear
And bring dignity to this roar
Young enough to know better
To old to have a care
A challenge to their suburban values
You are a fashion muse
Explosion to the urban sensibilities
All these things you are
In this last outpost of vanity
An old man with a tired weathered face
Dressed in garish overpriced garments
Trying to hide a paunch
And the physical infirmities of the old.
The tide is out
* the tide is out *
Worried spot lights
Scurry across the stockyards
Frantic watchdogs barking
An alarm is ringing somewhere
An act of theft or vandalism
Most likely a banal rebellious act
By a 14 year old with a spray can
And an agenda no more extensive than
See my Facebook page for what I have done
The police are arriving
Flashing lights and sirens off
No great hurry for no great cost
These stockyards so rarely used
The freight trains here almost immobile
There is a paralyzation to the infrastructure
Rusting from lack of use
Ebbing of hope in grand miracle
The flimflam men have been caught
As always caught they are
By no great and clever acts
Rather by their own greed apparent
When waterline of prosperity recedes
Their companies revealed as
So many abandoned rusting car wrecks
Who knows where money has gone
It was lived with brazen lack of soberiety
It went to pay for a life of profligate excess
The cars the house the mistresses
We are left then staring at
A battered beaten mistreated market
The money is no longer confident
Small steps only will it take
Fears the risk crisis or more fakes
From extreme of too much trust
Seems the market now has not enough
Projects beneficial sit idle and stale
Upon the entreprenur's shelf
For none will invest in the new
The unknown which may fail
A modern has thriftiness set in
Sedates and strangles all innovation
There will come a day when world will turn
Markets once again begin to trade
Take a risk and make more
See an opportunity too good to ignore
Decide a better return on capital demanded
Than found in moribund bonds
This is our economy's future to be
For now becalmed in Sagrasso Sea An economy without wind
No navigator to chart the way
We wait for better days
Which only shall arrive
When we work to make them reality.
* mission *
What brilliance glimpse
Through telescope narrow
Of immensity of universe
So much remains unknown beyond
This blue speck where we remain
Let's be gone before world turns
Let us explore sky horizons
Not leave down searching
Till no more searching can be done
As inertia takes hold
All universe in sympathy concurs
Galaxies slip back and fade
Fires in a million nebulas gutter
The universe begun with a bang
Fades to nothingness without a mutter.
* univerallsy acknowledged *
What truths are universally acknowledged
Other than a man in possession of a fortune
Will seek to be in possession
Of an intelligent headstrong lady
Perhaps such facts no longer so universal
Seems a man in possession of a fortune
With a wife and child or children
Will also seek to be in possession
Of a line of mistresses
Cocktail hostesses or exotic dancers
Women who have baited their hooks
With come hither smiles and plastic good looks
Acting years their younger
Or always fun and often strangers
Seek only the verve and rush
Have no time for domestic drudge
Will not wake to crying babies
Perform school runs or direct the nannies
Are fleet of heel to make a chase
But not so fast nor too chaste
A transaction unspoken brokered
A glimpse into the nether world
Where living costs met anonymously
From a bank account autonomous
Of all the other living expenses
Of a man in possession of
A wife and children and a dog
A public relations diorama
Hides from view the smouldering drama
Slammed doors and separate beds
Long business trips with help on hand
To smooth his brow and remove the sand
Caught in a Dior bikini
Hoping papparazzi have lens elsewhere
Otherwise might be very hard to swear
To wife and children and corporate stockholders
This nubile tight body of twenty-two
Is in fact the business meeting you went too.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunflower mornings
* sunflower mornings *
I am trying to turn my body so
A sunflower to the Sun is all
Winter morn and all is chill
Except for ray of Rah above
My body seeks this warmth to love
Turning as a pig on a spit
My clothes insufficient to this chill remove
The Sun upon my shoulders and face
A kiss it seems of Nature's grace
My body seeks this warmth to love
A chilly tundra of a winter
Waiting for the break of Summer
Hovering between cold and warm
Turn my body to Sun to adore
My body seeks this warmth to love
Cold long months of Winter bite
Another cold morn and freezing night
Ice upon coldscreens thick
Seeking the Sun to break this lock
My body seeks this warmth to love
Roll over in the early morn
So warm and snug beneath eiderdown
Outside the world is cold and dark
See your smile a burning spark
My body seeks this warmth to love.
Friday, July 9, 2010
On Time and Life
* on Time and Life *
A triumphant fall
A failed leap
The twisted logic of it all
They sing their songs
To send their babes to sleep
And for themselves
Right the wrongs
Counting fat white sheep
The days are short
Sun is strong
Fingers numb as iron
All the promises turned to dust
Crown jewels left out in the rain
Encrusted in cake of natural rust
There cannot be
An easy answer in a sack
There are just fresh birthed kittens
And they are never coming back
The river's deep
The tide lazy flows
Before the townsfolk comprehend
Marketplace a fathom deep
That just how it goes
Lift your eyes
From water statement
To heavens bright above
There are stars and bright Moon
In those galaxies space enough
Time enough for love
Open a heart
Frozen closed
Clockworks wheels all stilled
Add oil of passion rich
Some shoulder grease
A portion of nerves and stress
Perspiration of courage and fear
No one said it would be easy
To this love express
The boiler's full
Steam power ready
Puffing leave your station
All which was stationary
No longer needed
Full steam ahead
The world changes
Before your eyes so swiftly shifts
Is the speed with which you move
Bewitched you are by love
In thrall of better nature
All your smiles reaffirm
Better sense of ourselves
Rising from the heart
A triumphant fall
A rising leap
Paradox of it all
This is life to be lived
Loved and expressed
If not your life will still run on
Heedless to your call
Canute you are
To reasoned thoughts
Trying to hold still hands of Time
They move on without a pause
Time cares not for you
To hoard or damn Time
Matters not at all
Inexorably Time flow forward
How your Time ends
Is the only power you can hold
Either sadness and grief
For your absence from their side
Or just another day of life
As your funeral goes by
Life your eyes to heavens high
Grasp the reins and rocket fly
There is truth and love
To find them out
And live them truly
To life you must apply
For long or short
Cease in peace or hell
Matters not as long as said
Tis was a life lived well.
++ timetables ++
Timetables set
A non human invention
We just copied Nature's innovation
Refined and set in hologoristic wheels
Heartbeats set to pendulums
And seasons still turnover
To their timetable set
Even if we ignore them
These seasons we cannot forget
And far above our muddled heads
The heavens slide in majestic flow
Stars to their appointed place
Nebulas across sky on rails track
Entire cosmos a mechanism of Time
Timetable set from creation's dawn
Set in motion by maker's hand
Keep on going till all winds down
And final stop on timetable found.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Drifting heart
* drifting heart *
Drifting heart
Naked and bare
Open to all invitations
Seems to lead to insinuation
That this heart does not care
This heart as open as it dare
Been hurt before
And experience has shown
Will be hurt many times again
Not a careless heart
Though this drifting heart
Can often be lead astray
Balloon upon a string
A bird looking for a glittery thing
Such open heart has flaws
Dreams the best and imposes
Best of every dream on others
Projects them as answers truly
Paragons of spirit and thought
So much greater than this heart here
This heart naked and laid bare
To world of other hearts
Some sculptured false
Some just sharp and abusive
Some cold as Moon's dark side
Some so hurt must always hide
This heart naked encounters all
Wonders if there is one heart more
A heart to match this heart bare
Treat it well without callous care
To share and grow and long life know
Two hearts to pulse as one
Invulnerable to all hurts of World
So this bare and naked heart rejoices
In life made out and many choices
For until an end always fabric of hope
A fine garment allows drifting heart to cope.
inner clime
* inner clime *
These portals of my soul I close
Escape crowded vulgarity of life
Settle back in peaceful repose
The silence of the inner lake
Filled with minutiae so close to overflowing
Sounds of empty plastic drink bottles knocking together
An eerie hollow call across my inner lake
Effluent rainbows swirling cross water's surface
The shore a sticky black morass of stinking mud
Carcasses of decomposing fish drifting half submerged
The air and life from this water irretrievably removed
No moon ever shines its light here
Sun and its rays for perpetuatity obscured
A dark windless desolate empty place
Only stirred when I rest the moralities of my day
Or when conscience slips from weight of hypocrisy
Subsidence brought on by erosion of values
On some days a flicker of light
Unnaturally bright in this all encompassing suffocating darkness
Pierces the ancient obsidian gloom
Is a single flaring burning torch of hope
Quickly gutters and all evidence of its presence lost
Again the world within returns to stale sterile stillness
My inner lake of stagnant peace
Refuge from angry frustrating nihilistic life
Until I can no more endure in my cloistered sanctuary
And outward to life and living must turn.
sweet flow
* sweet flow *
Some sweet surprise I find
The poems flowing like wedding wine
Unchallenged break cross page
Full of merriment or wry caged rage
Some of the poetry I scribe
Has found some joy in which to hide
Structure sometimes sound
Thoughts and reflections found
Fortune cookie truths
In verb and noun and sound.
Shakespeare orbit
* shakespeare orbits *
Swinging in two orbits
Our paths they often cross
Sometimes feel so much closer
Sometimes gravity is lost
Still our paths keep mingling
Thoughts of you reoccur
There is always profit and loss
The eternal questions of life
In miniature we accost
How to live the time we have
Are our decisions right
No one can ever answer that
We do what we think is right
Tomorrow be another day
Similar to the one gone
Would we change our minds
Or constant continue on
Only future knows
And yet it always seems
Swinging in two orbits
Our dreams they often cross.
World cup in Oz
* World cup in Oz *
There are going to be celebrations
If you can call them that
Riots on the streets
Flares into the air
Car horns beeping madly
A hundred cities hysterically shrieking
About how some millionaires won a golden cup
It really doesn't seem fair
they should be acclaimed so high
Didn't cure cancer or the common cold
Have not explored Mars
Did not return the Holy Grail
Or resolve poverty of the world
Yet these young men are immortal before they have grown old
Their skills are youth and vigour
Control of flighty Jabilani ball
Values of never give up
And when touched always fall
They have been playing for four long weeks
For the football world cup
Sent from 64 countries
Who made it through their regions
Representatives of their country's strain
Proudly presented as these are our men
See how they play this game
All became insignificant to me
When the Soccerroos failed to advance
All the better to recall
The women's world cup has already been held
And Australia won that
So the men can go to hell.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Forest music
* forest music *
Winds blows music through
Forest still and old
Darkness here where sun cannot touch
Conifers close enough to embrace
Needles thick carpet forest earth
No grass or flowers rise to bloom
Owls roost on high above
Foxes prowl below
This forest a slaughteryard
For the old or slow
Music played is funeral march
Even if ears miss tune
In this darkness darker hearts
Bucanneers follow fortune
No animal is safe who enters
Least of all the young
Wander into the shade of trees
And they may never leave.
dark room analysis
* dark room analysis *
Dark room analysis
Keep reaching out blindly
Until a discovery is made
Whether with flailing hands
Or brittle shin or bruised knee
Perhaps this is a chair
Or a low sharp edged coffee table
Or a relationship ill made
Bumping into people as blind
Flailing about as bravely and madly
Sometimes hysterically and sadly
Not recognising whom we strike
Unsure if we should in this escape
Beyond our blind lonely solitude
Not even knowing what we are reaching for
Just knowing being with another
Might make this blind searching better
And then they move on or we do
Return to stumbling swearing crashing
Across darkened room of life
Trying to find a reason of fulfilment
Which has escaped that singing lass
A meaning for a meaningful life
Trying to grab anyone who does step
And pause in meeting us
Thankful for some human company
Fellow traveller in secret society of love
Wondering if they love the person I am
Or the person they project upon me in the dark
Do any of us ever know
Peel back the central core of the kernal
Of the other who we encounter
To know them as well
As they think they know themselves
All before the final parting
On the other side of the darkened room
An exit here of which we knew
And now we are before it
What comfort found in life's room
Shall be relevant beyond
Hands waving frantically
A final breath then silence
And we pass beyond life
To begin another dark room analysis.
Fail mightily to win
* fail mightily to win *
Failure should be your aim
After grand achievements made
Is no use being more prosperous
Climbing mountains ever higher
Moving from eleventh to eighth
On list of richest people
No true gain in that
People will not praise you
To earn their admiration
You must fail dismally
Allow some previously unseen character flaw
To wreak havoc with your perfect life
Sleep with the babysitter cross the street
Embezzle money meant for orphans
Drink and smoke away your talent
Marry your stepdaughter
And then begin again
Knowing your life will be an achievement
For every success you make
Be measured against how far you fell
Be a sense of recognition in watching fans
For this person in their self made hell
Want you to defeat your demons
Control the tragic flaw
Which so abruptly interrupted
The total success of your life
Show the inner torture you endure
To be the best you can be
Then hit the ball straighter longer
Give convicted felons financial advice
Tour the tournaments in your RV
Make a new movie or four
Be an interesting person
No longer merely rich
To the masses you have a story
Which endears you to them
As if you were one of them
An illusion you could swiftly dispel
If any got too near
As in your mansion you recline
Surrounded by pots of money
Writing your memoirs
About success and failure
And best of all success again.
fish stick
* fish stick *
Relevant fish sticks
A metaphor for modern life
All the left overs bits
Compressed and battered
Presented as a treat
To be had with traditional chips
You can wave a fish stick
Or even roll a fisk stick
But never ever allow
Your fish stick to try and swim
Because the fish part can't
And the batter doesn't stop water getting in.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Frozen rose
* frozen rose *
Caught a glimpse of your face
Rising from a deep deep sleep
Covered in creams and oil and lace
Never had ever seen this face before
Your hair colour changes on a fickle tide
Once I thought it was brown
Now I see a touch of blonde on brow
When you frown a map of small streets
Hint of oily aloe vera streaks
Filling in your jowls and cheeks
The woman I knew now counterfeit
My precious jewel manufactured construct
Your mane has flared to auburn fire
Eyelashes taut and tortured thin
Your clothes pulls in what age let out
You are neither too thin nor too stout
Spending more than for a naval fleet
To adorn your slim pale feet
Grow an inch or four on stilts you adore
Getting inspiration from media pack
On all the tactics that you lack
A frozen rose stuck in time
And as time passes grow more absurd
Hair extensions twisted in
Lambs foetses sprayed onto skin
Musk glands in your perfumes strong
Perhaps some urine from goat or elk
Reading the bottles really is no help
Half the ingredients I know are poison
Anything to deny mortality
The world may end tomorrow night
Armageddon overthrow all we know
Even in rapture you will smell fair
A fresh youthful hue of gold through hair
Presentable and presented for me to take
Just do not kiss your lips too firmly
The hi-gloss lifts and turns to grit
Fingers not allowed to run through hair
Hours spent to this state attain
Never watch as you dress or change
All lights off when I am in range
For the naked you has no artifice
No disguise and seems no place
For your heart to love your self
Irrevocably tied to potions on the shelf
I wonder if the world did this to you
If it was I or your own desire did
Who"s to know when so hard to find
The woman proud who once loved herself.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Insect thee
* insect thee *
We insects busy
Without shell or feelers
Missing two of our limbs
No mandibles to speak of
Yet giant nests we build
And as nests grows they link
Join together across the land
How long till all our world
A suburban stink
House to house and bush extinct
No open space for any of us
How long till World quakes enough
Decides to shake infestation out
Did the same to dinosaurs
Be an almost impersonal deed
The great solar flares shall catch us
As if a spraying aerosol
Strip the life from us swift
Before we can spirit prepare
Masters of a universe constant
Until something happens we have not seen before
Poor scrabbling ignorant pests
Wiped off the surface
Smeared to goo and bone grit
Our civilizations gone in eyeblink
Mastery a con trick dealt us
By laughing fickle universe.
*** rats. ***
Rats are creatures low
Low of snout and fleet of foot
Hairy as a clothing brush
Inquisitive and quick
Seek to know every entrance
Discover every secret hoard
Flourish in alleys and marketplaces
Scraps a feast of food
Build a nest and procreate
Orgies rampant without restraint
In a rat's family always more the merrier
And if not Dad might eat the young
Bright incisors slicing cannibalistically
Through offspring freshly born
Post birth control solution
A rat speciality.
Business boring pass
* business boring pass *
The tired eyes of traveling
Not seeing new world afresh
Picking out familiar brand placements
Not noticing the rest
A flight from A to B
On business only given
A sleepwaker in economy
All sharp objects are forbidden
No electronic devices
In case you bring plane down
Do not display your unseemly vices
On drunkedness and loudness all travelers frown
Hope your pilot is not distracted
By marital woes or call to God
Else from wreckage your Samsonite extracted
Blame the lack of radar and the fog
You work the percentages
Sitting near the back
You listen to the preflight briefing
Check the engine struts for cracks
The food is marginally less
Than prisoners in solitary are fed
And your fellow passangers have bowel problems you guess
Someone forgot to flush the head
Oh Marco Polo had it lucky
Months to trek cross land
Travelling on a camel or a pony plucky
Map being made in his hand
Yours is a more familar route
Seven flights go there daily
Full of discontented air travelers
Eating peanuts and coffee thick as gravy.
Friday, July 2, 2010
South Winter
* South Winter *
Middle months of year are these
In Southern Seas our coldest time
Nights grow longer diminish days
We seek our heat in a hundred ways
Coats grow heavy and layered dress
Heaters blow to edge of stress
Rain might fall and we care not
As long as we remain nice and hot
Winter months no fun to play
Unless on mountains you have a sleigh
The games of football continue on
And fans attend though Sun not shone
Is a rigour and a chore
Skills diminish and so does the score
Tight hard matches fought in the center
Until one team subsides and other forward enter
A roar of frozen breathy fog exhaled
As a goal is kicked into a gale
This is Winter in Melbourne fair
Where beanies hide Winter hair
All are waiting for middle months to past
Watch for daffodils from ground to blast
Show their colours warm and bright
Indicating shortening of chill night
And Spring lengthening of daylight hours
When we can wander and frolic in the flowers.
** Blues **
Shades of blue
Taut across the sky
Depths of sea in blue shades
Blades of blue brightly spinning
Flying blue from artist's brush
All these blues so rich and lush
Or delph blue cool and delicate to touch
These blues of sound smoky
Rubber blue boots coats and caps
Faded blues on nursery walls
Distressed blues on furniture raw
All these blues from sky to doors
Tardis blues which police adore
Blue from heaven to deepest depths
Blues of truth and old regrets
All these blues and more beside
The blues edged with razor blades inside
Dragging you from heaven's heights
To down and down and down to dire straits
Where the blues bottom out
Submerged and crushed and lifeless take
Instead discover a black dog dark
In which no hope or light does spark
Beyond the blues this crushing place
Of all you are and all you hate.
Cohen sinning
*Cohen sinning*
Leonard Cohen played so loud
Probably a sin to abuse him so
Should be played deep low and slow
His voice seduction from the speakers
His rhymes and couplets leave us speechless
The steady dark insistent voice
You must listen have no choice
He talks of love's sweet lament
The holy chorus David did invent
All the humanity bound up to play
Towers of Song so high he says
Every drum a beating heart
Then the ladies their crooning start
We see ourselves so ugly and no prizes
So love of angels always surprises
A rift bridges from God to man
See self as part of some greater plan
Is much easier then to explain
These chords of ecstasy entwined in pain
A holy prophet poet with Casanova's voice
A man who from shallow reality divorced
There is either heaven or hell
To cross the gap only need to smell
Sweet scent upon your cheek
Those brushing lips which leave him weak
Also make him stronger than
Ten thousand men and all the clans
One woman divine at a single time
Express devotion to all in singing rhyme
And its probably so wrong of me
To play his songs halfway through you see
Because the drive from home to station
Is an inconsistent time of salvation
Listening to his blessed voice burred by Satan
He seems to be everything for which I'm agitating
A singing bard with wealth regained
An older man in his shows freed from pain
So I am so very certain must be a venal sin
To play his songs so loudly as my day begin.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
faltering wave
* faltering wave *
Placeholders of popular culture
A song played through public speakers
Sound of Bowie asphyxiating
A new form of English pronunciation
And a constant drumbeat
Raindrops falling from an eave onto windowsill
These are the new archaic bubbles
Of memory constant surrounding
Aromas wafting forth from a chickenshop
The takeaway steam of the hotdog vendor at 3am
All around dancing figments
Casting self back to earlier days
When memories created not unearthed
When we were young and closer to birth
Rather than reminiscing and closer to death
Even if appointed time still vague
Can feel the wave of Time which bore us
Has dissipated its energy
All the scientific breakthroughs
May give us more months or years
But back of our lives broken
Half way mark petulantly saluted
And ahead less creation of memories
And more revision of past events magnificent.
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falling away
** falling away **
Falling away
Masonry down on the ground
Lifeless as drowned fish
Home is so less profound
Diving for coins
In an unlucky fountain
Swimming against a black tide
Blood and oil never should mix
Death in the highlands
Another fine set of points
Bambi should not visit
Venison always a treat
Hear wind so wild howling
Echoes of warring clans no more
Seeing the first dawn
Edged with frost crystals and cloud
Trying to find a sound or direction
Caught in the fog for so long
This subterranean murmuring
Babbling brook of discontent
Finds so many outlets
Escaping under a pressure
Springs fresh feeding frustration
An arterial vein of bad blood
Soaked through with anger
Twisted in resentment
Heavily spiced in the cold
Such bite the waking
Deep from an ill sleep of regrets
Unrequited murmurings
Oratory lost in the flow
Of mundane loud happenings
Wondering where life escape
No turning or righting
No blaming idle old fate
This is the course set
By decisions you made
And unmade and you waited
For something better to form
Now find the best days
The bright eyed and bushy behind falling away
No stop till the end you have found.