Sunday, January 24, 2010


- where the wild things be -
Sometimes turn my head
Catch a glimpse
Of insubstantial wants
Desires carnal deep
A lurking other
The pleasure seeker
Hot angry conflicter
Skin deep beneath
The tailored veneer
of civilized behaviour
The do so's and do not's
Which predicate society
So in our termite busy
Crowded seething cities
We can get by
Trying to avoid substantiating
The insubstantial wraiths
Of chaos and disorder
The wild things we once were
Lurking in ourselves
Braying to be free.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mantra for common ills


Back fiends of mind
Thoughts unentwine
Set free my soul
Allow solace not war

In division find comfort
A diminution of troubles
Set free my stress
Issues constantly do not redress

Silence internal doubting voices
Strongly support own choices
Set free my critic
Accept myself for who I am

Exclude ills remembered
Recall days of better
Set free my depression
Define own internal feelings

Banish illusion of hope
Believe fully in ability to cope
Set free my nonbelief
Time shows own survival.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Helen

 + My Helen +
I once saw your face
Untouched by cover artists
Illuminated by moonlight clear
A beacon rising forth
A Helen worthy of a war
Thought to find the way
Through strategems and mazes
To your door
To your heart impacted
Resolute defended against such as I
Who could not concieve
Such beauty might not need
The doubt of my foundations
Words of life reflections bare
A crow to hang around your neck
Foretelling doom and despair
For I never looked in mirror
And glimpsed my wings that way
Always saw them as white not black
A figure tall and serene
Not squat and beaked and mean
For was not how I saw myself
Was how you saw me
Which forever blocked the gates
Set the lock with stubborn key
You wanted life unbordered
Not life constrained by fears
Life set to peal with laughter
Not life concerned with the everafter
And so my Helen you sailed away
My armies of logic impotent
Against the logic and truths you employed
Life not to be sadly examined
Life should foremost be enjoyed. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Early days of peace

 + early days of peace +
The early days of peace
When the cannons stilled
Guns back in grease paper
Shells in armoury stored
Those early days of peace
When anything seems possible
Humanity appears responsible
Foes are no longer feared
And friends tight to hearts held
Until the early days of peace fade
The ways of past reoccur
Selfishly propositioning life
So greedy for our fill
Blocking out the hope
Running down the past
Those early days of optimism
The early days of peace
Were never going to last.

Party crasher

 + party crasher +
Death come calling
Inconvenient party crasher
Of this time called Life
Been doing what I can
To keep party spirit current
Seems the rising tide
Of cannot do's and debts
The seeping badness and madness
Got under the sheets
All sleep is torn asunder
Modern neuroses on sale
Tired and caffeine wired
Seeking a hit of achievement
Acknowledgment in termite mound
That I have done my bit
Instead the world is baking
A few extra degrees
And there is the rising
Of the life giving seas
How long till we are all drowning
Our fiscal frownings be thought tame
And now Death at the doorstep
Rudely elbowing in
Didn't have an appointment
Nor invitation to be let in
Seems there is no stopping
This ultimate of the triumvirate
Birth and Taxes and Death
As if an 8 day European holiday
Circling off what I have seen
London Paris Rome
Instead a journey through
Soon participated in all three of life's triumvirate
And an  experienced traveler
I will have been. 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wild One Summer

+ wild one summer +
Wild one summer
kissing the heat
bending the flowers
necklaces to make

Wild one summer
aroma of tar
warmth of your shoulder
hot seats in the car.

Wild one summer
Sunglasses reflecting
Doubt and sweet hope
Of summer romancing.

Friday, January 15, 2010


 + nightdeath +
The night is long
And I am too short
You prefer them tall
Slavic slate sharp cheekbones
A certain swagger in their talk
Bad boys or want to bes
Who dress for parties to which I will be uninvited
Driving cars I can't understand how they afford
And a way with speech
Sneering insulting and clear
There is a pecking order
I was not born to know of
Let alone be part of
The secret signals in how they move
The topics of conversation
Flow around me as I jostle
With these perfect nightlife creatures
For your attention
And somewhere between third and fourth drink
I lose your attention completely
End up talking to an empty seat
As you sweep out beyond me
A mirage receding permanently
From locus of my affectations.

In a flash of thought

 + in a flash of thought +
The daggers there
Lying in your gaze
Impaling me to uncertainty
Piercing my courage
I deflate like a punctured balloon
Lose all confidence and place
Hands seem too big
Every stitch of my clothing wrong
My hair is unkempt
Face the wrong shape
All the coolness I once held
Expiring in your gaze
Past my use by date
The words I would say
Evaporate in my mouth
I am beyond salvation
A grease smudge in the Sun
Dissolving at the speed of light
I blend back into the crowd
Become another complete no-one
And you stand there alone.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Only Worthy Topic

 + only worthy topic +
Sages of the old lands
Poets long forgotten
Bards of countries past
Spoke same conundrum
All things mortal pass
Yet love you infinite I
To take my heart dissected
In words these fires express
All you are and mean
The truth without redress
A fool to sentimentality
Knight for romance's rose
Find meaning in your kisses
Succour and strength in embrace
You are the air I breath
Every hour under Sun
Every minute caught in moonshine
All truths and vows of me
Return to one certainty
We are mortal and passing
And this infinite is everlasting.

Wisdom doesn't do

 + wisdom doesn't do +
The dead do not speak
Their time was then not now
They had the wisdom of those before
Now we have their here
And finding how fallible life's perceptions are
How we struggle to make right
What we do or should
Are we to leave those after
Any better wisdom than the dead
To state all troubles past were ours
All troubles present are yours
And it is up to you
To struggle to make right
What to do or should
In the world of yours.

Visions of

 + visions of +
Our world is viewed in depth
Colours of landscape stand out
Do not mesh to a blur
As we can see past and onto next colour
All a clever conjuring trick
Of lens and brain manipulations
The initial images on lens are upside down
Brain turns and fixes them
Operates the focus and direction of eyes
Gives colour from its palate of knowledge
Judges distance and clarity
Then renders these images to our thoughts
What we see is the brain's perceptions
Of the light pulses received through our eyes
If we did not have eyes we could not see
If our brains failed the image would not be communicated
Little wonder in love
We see what we desire
Put on those rose coloured glasses
Have our moods and emotions
Those stewing chemical imbalances
In which brain is marinated
Change our perception
On days when we are sad
Is the light dimmer or percieved as such
When we laugh does the Sun come out
Or does the brain adjust the brightness
Letting the world seem brighter and freer
As you look now
See the detail you can view
The myriad of things
The tones of colours and distances
How the light moves and curves
Even a sense of the texture of objects or surfaces
Is provided to our brain without us touching
All through the images the lens of our eyes capture
Those askew images our brain manipulates
And all only within the light wavelengths we can see
There maybe bursts of radiation
Ultraviolet flaring on flowers or in heat shimmers
And to those we are blind and thus unknowing
The manner in which a bee finds the right flower
How its eyes and brain receive and process light
Is a different world from us
Do we all have such censorship of heart
Innate biases of the soul
To colour or action or shape or idea
Where the brain will cast such things
In the worst light possible
An inherent inbuilt racism and not interested-ism
Of our brain's filtering mechanisms
Our children are more beautiful
Other children more grubby
Our love's eyes shine like sapphires
Their skin has texture of velvet
And how they move seems illuminated
Every sense enhanced and the world is brighter
As marinated brain constructs
Perfect image from the images fed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ms Idea

 - Ms Idea -
The words you speak
Passion of your hands
Plucking ideas from air
Pulsing with thought
A more sexy maiden could not be

Eyes flash in intellectual vigour
Hair black waves intensely tossing
The world becomes more vibrant
An eruption of idealism
Sensual muse alongside me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


- simple -
Silver teasing on
Copper thighs
Twisted pretezel calligraphy
On back and sides
Marco Polo exploration
Circumnavigate your hips
Taste spices and fruits exotic
In each pressing kiss
Lines of love are simple
Sensual in extreme
The morning loving peaks
As dawn arrives unseen
Our cries awakened the rooster
Harbringer of the day
And on the weekends we stay
In bed to play and play.

Until the change

- until the change -
Hot summer weather
nights of tangled sheets
sweat rises from cleaning teeth
zombie sleepless city
unshaven and unkempt

A stickiness of sweat
clings to every conversation
looking to the sky for the change
deliverance in the wind
trying to get through the day
when quality of light is startling
x-ray intensity through to bones
carrying constant heat

As if resting against the oven
and if the wind blows wrong
from even hotter drier parts arrives
the slap across your body
dry iron heat confronts
the struggle of your body
strength of your mind
to bow before the summer
retreat to shade and coolness
abdicate responsibility
place all work on hold

A city in the grip
of sleepless unrelenting heatwave
until the change arrives
a mantra carried in every person's thoughts
behind every bead of sweat
until the change arrives
the murmured prayers of the hot
until the change arrives.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Metaphor storm

 + metaphor storm +
Rain scent lingers
on clothes and hair
skin glistens dewy
smile of drought broken relief
this spritely rain freshens
a mind dulled by chores
reinvigorates my self
as if some parched lawn
drinking down sustenance
springing back to life
full and strong and straight
I wonder how long till
you rain again with me.

True Love is Ice

A lump of crystal blue
Shards of fissured white
The iceberg of desire
Looms mighty in the night
Seeing only one tenth
Of the turbulence of passion
Emitting such coolness of focus
To touch such chillness
Is to burn your skin
All the contradictions
Of love and freezing cold
An embrace to stop your heart
Shock it into new realms
The vast uncharted otherness
Alien landscape unrecognisable to ourselves
This is our world
This ice and white
so bright and new
Each touch changes
Mere caress of breath reshapes
The slopes and mounts of
The ice kingdom of our love
Eternal and unchanging
Beyond comprehension to alter
Unless summer hates burn
So brightly as to melt
That which seemed impenetrable
Our love's deep frozen core of trust.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Time ticks - 2010

I dream a room of clocks
On shelves at different levels
Arrayed on tables and benches
Ticking furiously at me
Their faces turned towards
Faces ornate curling script
Numbers in roman numerals
Such a ticking gathering
Each marking the same time
Some with pendulums swinging
Executing seconds in each sweep
Disposing of present to the trash
Looking ever forward
A Niagara torrent of chronological moments
Rushing down and gone
And my single face confronting
all those other faces ticking
And the realization in the counting
Of the time passing
As a shepherd may watch the flock
Going into the shearing shed
That observing them flowing past
Is not getting the shearing done
Nor life being lived
As the clocks tick on.

Poetry Daily

I tend to writ poems about five days a week. I can spread, and cheat a little on the weekend, as I write more than one often during the weekdays. So a poem a day. Enjoy your daily fix.